Complete guide to integrating ChatWoot with popular messaging platforms.

Learn how to connect ChatWoot to Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram and optimize your messaging.

00:00:02 Learn how to create new inboxes within ChatWoot using Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram. Complete guide from app configuration to permissions.

🔑 This video is a complete guide on setting up ChatWoot with Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram, covering everything from app configuration to inbox permissions.

📝 The tutorial provides a step-by-step walkthrough, starting from installation to production, with separate instructions for each platform.

💡 The integration with Facebook and Instagram requires more effort, while the integration with Telegram is simpler.

00:02:05 Learn how to set up ChatWoot integration with Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram in this complete guide.

📌 Accessing the VPS and finding the configuration file for ChatWoot installation.

🔒 Creating a Facebook application and configuring it for live mode.

🔑 Obtaining a secret key for the application.

00:04:07 Learn how to integrate ChatWoot with Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram. Set up basic app settings and add products like Messenger and WhatsApp.

📕 In this video, we learn how to set up ChatWoot with Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram.

🔧 To begin, we need to configure the basic settings of the ChatWoot application, including adding products like Messenger.

👥 Next, we activate the login feature with Facebook and make the necessary settings, such as adding the domain of the ChatWoot installation.

00:06:11 Learn how to configure ChatWoot with Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram. Get step-by-step instructions for subscriptions, permissions, and tokens.

📱 Setting up web hooks and subscriptions for Messenger on ChatWoot.

🔑 Requesting necessary permissions on Facebook and generating tokens.

📝 Configuring the ChatWoot inbox and adding pages.

00:08:16 This video provides a complete guide on how to configure ChatWoot with Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram.

🔑 To configure ChatWoot for Facebook and Instagram, you need to generate tokens and secret keys.

💻 In the ChatWoot interface, configure the Facebook and Instagram tokens and secret keys.

🔄 After saving the configuration, restart ChatWoot to apply the changes.

00:10:26 Learn how to integrate ChatWoot with Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram. A step-by-step guide to creating inboxes for each platform.

📚 The video is a complete guide on integrating ChatWoot with Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram.

💻 The speaker emphasizes the importance of joining the LG community to access all the integration information and effectively monetize knowledge.

💬 The tutorial outlines the step-by-step process of setting up a Messenger inbox for Facebook and creating a new bot for Telegram.

00:12:30 Learn how to connect ChatWoot to Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram to optimize your messaging. Access more detailed content in the ZDG community.

💡 The video provides a complete guide on using ChatWoot with Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram.

🤖 The process involves connecting the desired API keys and creating an inbox in ChatWoot.

🔗 The video also offers free tutorials on how to connect Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram to ChatWoot.

Summary of a video "ChatWoot + Facebook + Instagram + Telegram [ GUIA COMPLETO ]" by Comunidade ZDG on YouTube.

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