Collaboration and Interdisciplinary Work in Transitional Justice and the Search for Missing Persons

The video discusses the importance of collaboration and interdisciplinary work in the context of transitional justice and search for missing persons. It highlights the role of the university and organizations in supporting victims and promoting reconciliation.

00:00:00 A session on disappearance and search in the framework of transitional justice. Families share their experiences in searching for missing loved ones and using social mapping to locate them.

🔍 The video discusses the process of searching for missing persons in the context of transitional justice.

🗺️ The speakers highlight the use of social cartography and memory galleries as tools for locating missing individuals.

🌎 The video emphasizes the importance of collaboration and cooperation between families, organizations, and institutions in the search for the truth and the recovery of historical memory.

00:13:11 Session 1.1 discusses the importance of searching for and addressing the consequences of forced disappearances in the context of transitional justice.

🎯 The Universidad Nacional and the Unit of Search have partnered to address the consequences of forced disappearances and provide reparations.

🤝 The collaboration aims to involve a diverse range of people from different regions and roles in the search for missing persons.

📚 The focus of the collaboration is on sharing experiences, mapping the country's geography, and developing strategies for the future.

00:26:24 This video discusses the challenges and interdisciplinary nature of the search for missing persons in the context of transitional justice in Colombia.

🎯 The video discusses the efforts to search for missing persons and promote justice in the context of transitional justice.

🔎 The challenges include limited access to conflict-affected areas, diverse dynamics of disappearances, and operational and technical limitations.

🚀 The search for missing persons is an interdisciplinary and interinstitutional effort involving professionals from various disciplines and encouraging public participation.

00:39:35 Session 1.1: Disappearance and Search within the Transitional Justice Framework.

⭐️ This video is the first session of a course on disappearance and search within the framework of transitional justice.

🔎 The course aims to understand and address the painful reality of disappearances in the country through a pedagogy of sensitivity and commitment.

💡 The participation of different campuses and organizations allows for a deeper understanding of the dynamics and strategies of search in each region.

00:52:45 Summary: The video discusses the importance of collaboration and interdisciplinary work in the context of transitional justice and search for missing persons. It highlights the role of the university and organizations in supporting victims and promoting reconciliation. Alternative Title: Collaboration and Interdisciplinary Work in Transitional Justice and the Search for Missing Persons

🌊 The video discusses the collaborative efforts in disappearance and search within the framework of transitional justice.

📚 The video emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of the work and the importance of knowledge and expertise from diverse disciplines.

👥 The video highlights the significance of building relationships and strengthening connections with national and international entities, as well as victim organizations.

01:05:56 Sesion 1.1 explores the importance of recognizing the existence of missing persons and the efforts made to find them in Colombia. The session focuses on historical and regional contexts.

🔍 The course focuses on the importance of recognizing the existence of disappeared persons and the efforts in their search.

🌍 The course also explores national and international dialogues on the search for disappeared persons.

📚 The course aims to deepen understanding of the historical and current context of disappearance in Colombia and the actions needed to prevent its repetition.

01:19:06 Session 1.1: Disappearance and Search in Transitional Justice. The course includes group reflections, discussions, and creative projects to explore context, learning, and societal impact. Attendance and participation are important for students.

📌 The course requires at least 80% attendance in the sessions, which are mostly held on YouTube.

🔍 There will be two group sessions for reflection and discussion on the course topics, which will contribute to 60% of the final grade.

🎓 The final assessment includes a written assignment focused on applying the course content to real-world contexts, accounting for 40% of the final grade.

Summary of a video "SESIÓN 1.1: DESAPARICIÓN Y BÚSQUEDA EN EL MARCO DE LA JUSTICIA TRANSICIONAL" by Facultad de Ciencias Humanas on YouTube.

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