⭐️ The central nervous system (CNS) is responsible for all bodily functions, from breathing to sensory perception.
🔌 When a signal reaches the CNS, it sends a command back to react accordingly, such as feeling pain when pinched.
🧠 If the connections between neurons in the spinal cord are severed, it can result in loss of sensation and mobility.
💡 The brain and spinal cord are protected by bones and cerebrospinal fluid, which helps conduct signals and protect the nerves.
🌐 The peripheral nervous system (PNS) controls movements in the body, such as waving a hand, and is responsible for voluntary actions.
❤️ The nervous system regulates functions like breathing and heartbeat.
The nervous system controls both conscious and unconscious actions.
The central nervous system sends signals to various organs in the body.
The involuntary nervous system responds to unexpected stimuli.
🧠 Your self-preservation instinct is regulated by your nerves, which prompt your body to react to harm even without your consent.
🔄 When you scratch an itch, you experience relief consciously, but on a subconscious level, your brain perceives scratching as pain and shifts your attention from the itch to the scratch instead.
🌡️ When the outside temperature rises, your nervous system reacts to the change, leading to sweating.
🔍 Billions of signals flow through your body, triggering sweat glands to cool down your skin.
🧠 Your brain reacts to changing circumstances by sending signals to neurons, causing muscle contraction, increased heart rate, and generating heat.
💭 Neurons are responsible for thinking and forming new neural connections to aid in memory.
🧠 The nervous system creates connections between neurons to facilitate learning and memory.
⏳ Repeated exposure and practice strengthen neural connections, leading to improved recall and performance.
🤸♂️ When learning a new skill, initial failures are followed by gradual improvement as neural connections become more established.
🧠 The brain forms strong neural connections through practice and repetition to prevent previous mistakes.
⛸️ With more practice and connections in your central nervous system, you can become skilled at skating.
🎸 Even after a long break, it only takes a few minutes to recall how to do something you learned before.
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