Exploring Disturbing Psychology Experiments That Shaped Behavior Understanding

This video discusses disturbing psychology experiments that raised ethical questions and shaped understanding of behavior.

00:00:00 A video covering disturbing psychology experiments, including the learned helplessness experiment where dogs were subjected to electric shocks and had no way to escape.

馃挕 The video discusses disturbing psychology experiments that actually happened.

馃悞 One of the experiments mentioned is the learned helplessness experiment.

鈿★笍 The experiment aimed to study whether animals can learn to feel hopeless and exhibit depressive symptoms.

00:02:01 Learned behavior experiments: Dogs resign to fate, humans develop phobias. Disturbing psychology experiments that shaped understanding of behavior.

馃挕 Dogs in group 1 and 2 escaped the electrocutions, while dogs in group 3 didn't try to escape.

馃 The Little Albert experiment showed how a baby developed a phobia of rats through conditioning.

鈿狅笍 The experiments revealed disturbing psychological effects on the subjects involved.

00:04:00 Learn about disturbing psychology experiments that actually happened, including the case of 'Little Albert' and Milgram's shock experiments.

馃惏 Albert, a subject in a psychology experiment, developed a fear of rabbits and dogs that persisted into adulthood.

馃攲 Milgram's shock experiments revealed people's willingness to obey authority figures, even if it meant causing harm to others.

馃寪 The effects of coercive control on individuals' morality and obedience to authority were investigated in psychological experiments.

00:05:58 An infamous psychology experiment involved subjects administering electric shocks to a person, who was actually an actor. The experiment demonstrated how ordinary individuals could be persuaded to harm others under the direction of an authority figure.

鈿★笍 Participants in a psychological experiment were instructed to administer electric shocks to another person.

馃攲 The strength of the electric shocks increased, causing distress to the person receiving them.

馃惗 In a follow-up experiment, psychologists used a puppy as the recipient of the shocks.

00:07:58 Psychology experiments involving shock and animal cruelty reveal disturbing obedience to authority.

馃惗 Participants were instructed to deliver shocks to a puppy, and most people continued despite the puppy's distress.

馃槷 An experiment on obedience to authority involved subjects being asked to behead a live rat, and few refused.

馃摳 A researcher studied people's facial expressions through various emotional situations, including exposing them to diseases and jazz music.

00:09:57 Summary: This video discusses disturbing psychology experiments, including participants beheading animals and the effects of sleep deprivation on puppies.

馃拃 Two-thirds of the people tested agreed to behead live rodents, including a 13-year-old boy with psychological issues.

馃槾 Sleep deprivation experiment showed that sleep is as important as food for a person's health.

馃惗 Keeping puppies awake for days had a significant psychological impact on the experimenters.

00:11:55 Summary: This video discusses disturbing psychology experiments that involved sleep deprivation on dogs, resulting in their brains shutting down and death. The longest a dog survived without sleep was two weeks. The experiments raise ethical questions, but the data collected helped many people. Rest is emphasized.

馃挙 Sleep deprivation experiments on dogs resulted in their brains shutting down and quick death, with the longest survival without sleep being two weeks.

馃槙 The speaker has mixed feelings about these experiments, acknowledging their cruelty but also recognizing that they provided valuable data that helped many people.

馃憢 The video concludes by thanking viewers for watching, asking for their thoughts in the comments, and encouraging support through subscriptions and engagement.

Summary of a video "5 Disturbing Psychology Experiments That Actually Happened" by Shrouded Hand on YouTube.

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