Adding Chatbots to Websites with Flowise AI Embed API

Learn how to add a customer service chatbot to a website using Flowise AI's Embed API.

00:00:00 Learn how to add a customer service chatbot to a website using Flowise AI. The chatbot can assist visitors with questions about products, operating hours, and more.

🤖 The video explains how to add a customer service chatbot to a website using Flowise AI.

💼 The chatbot is trained on the business's information and can assist visitors with questions about the business.

💡 The chatbot can reduce the number of queries sent to the client and increase sales by making product recommendations.

00:02:21 Tutorial on adding chatbots to websites using Flowise AI Embed API, including creating chat flows, integrating language models, and connecting with Pine Cone API.

📝 The tutorial focuses on adding chatbots to websites using the Embed API.

✏️ Two chat flows are created: one for uploading business data to Pine Cone and another for integrating the chatbot into the website.

🔑 Various API keys and settings, such as the language model, Pine Cone Vector store, and document loader, are added to the chat flows.

00:04:44 Learn how to add chatbots to websites using the Embed API in this Flowise AI tutorial. Generate business information and frequently asked questions using ChatGPT, upload training files, and create a chatbot to answer visitors' questions.

🔑 The video demonstrates how to add chatbots to websites using the Embed API.

💡 The tutorial shows how to generate business information and FAQs for training the chatbot.

📝 The process involves uploading a training file, executing the chat flow, and confirming the data upload.

00:07:07 This tutorial demonstrates how to add chatbots to websites using the Embed API. It covers connecting to Pine Cone, adding API keys and embedding OpenAI. Testing and integrating with a website is also shown.

💡 The video explains how to add chatbots to websites using the Embed API.

💻 The steps involved in adding the chatbot include connecting nodes, adding API keys, and saving the chat flow.

🌐 To embed the chatbot in a website, some changes need to be made to the index file.

00:09:32 Learn how to add chatbots to your website using the Flowise AI Embed API. Copy and paste the provided code into your HTML file to integrate the chatbot.

📂 To edit the website, open the project files in a folder and access the index.html file.

🌐 Install the 'Live Server' extension in VS Code to run the website in the browser.

💬 To embed Flowise into the website, copy and paste a code snippet in the body tag of the HTML file.

00:11:54 Learn how to customize the appearance of chatbots on websites using Flowise AI's Embed API. Change button and bubble colors to match branding.

📋 The video discusses how to style a chatbot pop-up to match the branding of a business using the Embed API.

🎨 The process involves changing the theme attributes, including the button background color, using code in VS Code.

🌈 The video also explains how to choose colors from the Televent CSS website to customize the chat bubble color.

00:14:15 Learn how to add chatbots to websites using the Embed API. Customize the chat window appearance and change button and background colors.

📌 Change the color of the synth arrow and user message background in the chat window.

💡 The color values can be modified in the configuration file.

🔧 Customize various aspects of the chat window, including icons and colors.

Summary of a video "Flowise AI Tutorial #7 - Adding Chatbots to Websites using Embed API" by Leon van Zyl on YouTube.

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