Mastering Inbox Processing with Todoist

Learn how to process your inbox in a GTD fashion using Todoist. Efficiently organize and label tasks for maximum productivity.

00:00:00 Learn how to process your inbox in a GTD fashion, including organizing tasks and prioritizing actions. Quick and efficient method for cleaning out your tech drawer.

💡 In this episode, the speaker demonstrates how to process your inbox using the GTD method.

📌 The first step is to identify the task and its location, followed by determining the next action.

🗂️ If there are multiple steps involved, it becomes a project in the GTD system.

00:01:27 Learn how to effectively process your inbox using Todoist and GTD principles. Create projects for multi-step tasks and label tasks with appropriate tags.

Anything that requires more than one step is considered a project.

🗂️ Creating a project to organize tasks is important.

🛒 Labeling and prioritizing tasks based on context and urgency is crucial.

00:02:55 Learn how to efficiently process your inbox and organize tasks using Todoist. Avoid cluttering your next actions list by labeling items appropriately.

📥 When processing your inbox, it is important to not label tasks until you are ready to work on them.

🛍️ Creating projects for non-urgent tasks allows you to prioritize your actions effectively.

🔍 Researching where to buy specific items can be categorized as a next action in a project.

00:04:26 Learn how to efficiently process your inbox using Todoist in this episode. Includes organizing tasks, setting dates, and managing projects.

📅 Some tasks are not immediately actionable and can be moved to a 'someday maybe' category.

🗑️ Tasks that are no longer relevant can be deleted.

🔍 Research tasks should be added to determine the necessary steps before taking action.

📥 Incoming tasks can be organized by categorizing them as projects.

00:05:57 The video discusses the process of processing your inbox and working with Todoist, including booking a meeting room for an iOS 10 development meeting and sending out an agenda.

💡 The first step is to determine the best time for a meeting and send an email to schedule it.

Booking a meeting room for an iOS 10 development meeting is necessary, along with sending out an agenda.

📝 Contacting Jane, Peter, Nicola, and John is the next action to take.

00:07:24 Learn how to efficiently process your inbox using Todoist and ensure that your tasks are labeled and actionable for maximum productivity.

💡 Processing your inbox at the end of the day is important.

💡 Label tasks with current and actionable labels.

💡 Avoid labeling tasks that cannot be done until a certain condition is met.

00:08:54 This video provides tips for efficiently managing your task list in Todoist by avoiding task overload and easily finding unlabeled tasks.

📌 Avoid overloading your task list with tasks that you cannot do.

🔍 Use the 'no label' search feature to find tasks without labels.

Subscribe for more tips and tricks on using Todoist.

Summary of a video "Working With Todoist | Ep 63 | Processing Your Inbox" by Carl Pullein on YouTube.

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