Install CODE LLaMA Locally with TextGen WebUI and Get a Free Coding Assistant

Learn how to install CODE LLaMA locally using TextGen WebUI and have a free coding assistant on your computer.

00:00:00 Learn how to install CODE LLaMA locally using TextGen WebUI. This incredible model beats gpt4 at coding tasks and is easy to set up from scratch on your machine.

📦 Install CODE LLaMA locally using TextGen WebUI and wizard coder version of codelama.

🔧 Assumes no previous setup on the machine and recommends installing Anaconda for managing python versioning.

🌐 Provides the GitHub page for text generation web UI and explains how to copy the URL for code installation.

00:01:01 Learn how to install CODE LLaMA locally with the TextGen WebUI. Create a new conda environment, clone the code, and install the required packages.

To install CODE LLaMA locally, we need to create a new conda environment and activate it.

After activating the environment, we clone the code from a provided URL and navigate into the cloned folder.

Finally, we install the necessary requirements for the repository using pip.

00:01:55 Learn how to install CODE LLaMA locally using the TextGen WebUI. Install the required torch libraries and resolve any CUDA or module errors for a smooth server setup.

📥 Install the required libraries using pip3 install command.

🔧 Resolve the error of 'Cuda is not available' using a specific installation command.

🔍 Install the 'Char debt' library to resolve 'module not found' error.

00:02:59 Learn how to install CODE LLaMA locally with TextGen WebUI, choose from different parameter versions, and download the model directly from meta.

💻 To install CODE LLaMA locally, spin up the server using `python` and access the TextGen WebUI.

📥 Download the desired model from the Hugging Face website, such as the 13 billion or 34 billion parameter versions.

🔎 The wizard coders are fine-tuned models by Wizard LM, including a 1 billion parameter version and a specific model for python code.

00:04:01 Learn how to install locally the CODE LLaMA, a compressed version of the wizard coder python 13B model, for faster performance. Use the xlama HF model loader.

📌 The video demonstrates how to install CODE LLaMA locally using the TextGen WebUI.

🔍 Quantized versions of the models are provided, which allows for faster running time without significant quality loss.

💾 The process involves downloading a 7 gigabyte model file, pasting the file's location in the input box, and selecting the appropriate model loader.

00:04:58 Learn how to install CODE LLaMA LOCALLY (TextGen WebUI) and use it to generate code. Set the parameters and prompts to customize the output. Test it with a prompt to output numbers 1 to 100.

⚙️ The installation process for CODE LLaMA locally involves setting parameters for sequence length, max new tokens, and temperature.

💻 Using the default prompt template, users can write Python code to output numbers 1 to 100.

🔧 The CODE LLaMA installation can be customized for GPU or CPU usage.

00:05:57 Learn how to install CODE LLaMA LOCALLY (TextGen WebUI) and have a free coding assistant on your computer.

📝 This video explains how to install CODE LLaMA LOCALLY using the TextGen WebUI.

💻 By following the instructions in this video, viewers can have a fully functional and powerful coding assistant on their own computer.

🆓 The installation process is free of charge.

Summary of a video "How To Install CODE LLaMA LOCALLY (TextGen WebUI)" by Matthew Berman on YouTube.

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