Building a Contacts List API with Django Rest Framework

Learn how to build a contacts list API using Django Rest Framework. Set up registration and login endpoints with JWT authentication. Use Swagger UI to inspect and test the API.

00:00:00 Learn how to build a contacts list API using Django Rest Framework. Set up registration and login endpoints with JWT authentication. Use Swagger UI to inspect and test the API.

📜 This video is about building a contacts list API using Django Rest Framework.

🔒 The video explains how to configure application authentication using JWT tokens for accessing protected endpoints.

📲 The video demonstrates how to use Swagger UI to inspect and test the API, eliminating the need for external tools like Postman.

00:01:29 Introduction to Django Rest Framework API project and environment setup using pipenv. Demonstrates user registration, authentication, and error handling.

🔑 The video demonstrates how to create a user and register them using Django Rest Framework API.

📥 The user registration process involves supplying a username and password, and receiving a response indicating success or failure.

🔒 The video also showcases the authentication process, where existing users can log in and receive a token for future use.

00:02:59 Introduction and environment setup for a Django Rest Framework API project, including authentication testing with JWT.

💡 Django Rest Framework API project introduction and environment setup using pipenv.

🔒 Using JWT for authentication and authorization to test API endpoints.

📞 Creating and accessing endpoints for showing a list of contacts and creating a new contact.

00:04:30 Introduction to Django Rest Framework API project and environment setup using pipenv. Interacting with the API through different actions like editing, deleting, and adding contacts to favorites.

🔍 The video demonstrates how to set up the environment for a Django Rest Framework API project.

💻 The API allows users to perform actions such as viewing, editing, deleting, and adding contacts to favorites.

📚 The documentation and serializer serve as intermediaries between the user, the database, and the views.

00:06:00 Learn how to set up a Django Rest Framework project using pipenv for easy portability and dependency management.

📦 Creating a virtual environment using Pipenv to manage project dependencies

🌍 Installing Django Rest Framework and setting up a Django project

🔧 Using Django Rest Framework to build an API project

00:07:31 Introduction to Django Rest Framework API project and environment setup using pipenv.

🔑 Setting up a Django Rest Framework API project and environment using pipenv.

📁 Moving environment files into the main project folder for easier management.

💻 Opening the project in VS Code and utilizing the virtual environment.

00:08:58 Introduction and environment setup for a Django Rest Framework API project using pipenv. Running the server on Python 3. Explains how to change the port. Subscriptions available for notifications.

🔧 Setting up the Django Rest Framework API project and environment using pipenv.

🏃‍♂️ Running the server using Python 3 and specifying the desired port.

🔗 Confirming that the server is running on the specified port and accessing the Django application through the browser.

📝 Upcoming topic: Setting up registration.

Summary of a video "Django Rest Framework API Project. Introduction and Environment setup(pipenv) [1]" by Cryce Truly on YouTube.

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