π Henry explains how to deploy Flowise to cloud services and allow multiple users to connect to a single Shuffle of Flowise.
π§ͺ Henry introduces a new feature called load testing, which allows stress testing of Flowise APIs.
π» Henry demonstrates the deployment process using DigitalOcean and the need to persist flows to avoid data loss.
π Using SSH key is recommended for secure access to the droplet.
π₯οΈ The basic plan on DigitalOcean can handle 100-1000 requests per second without any problems.
π Auto scaling on AWS allows handling more requests by spinning up additional instances.
π Deploy Flowise apps to production and handle high request rates.
πΎ Digital Ocean provides built-in storage, eliminating the need for additional purchases.
π Render addresses the persistent storage issue by allowing users to purchase built-in memory.
π³ Using Docker is the recommended installation method for Flowise.
π Set up Flowise by installing Docker, Docker Compose, and modifying environmental variables.
π» Render is a user-friendly option for quick setup, while Digital Ocean offers more control over the instance.
π You can deploy Flowise apps to production on DigitalOcean by running Docker Compose commands.
π To update your Flowise app to the latest release, stop the applications, pull the latest image, and restart the app using Docker Compose.
π To secure your app and configure a custom domain, you need to install and configure Nginx, set up a reverse proxy, and configure DNS records.
π Reverse proxy setup is done within the party window of the virtual machine.
π Authentication can be added to Flowise by specifying username and password in the environmental variables.
πΎ Options for vector stores on DigitalOcean include using files, Voice, and Super Bass.
π Adding a folder with files module is possible on DigitalOcean, Railway, and Render.
π Deploying Flowise apps to production requires specifying the path from the virtual machines on Digital Ocean.
π Folders with files in Flowise support specific formats like PDF and JSON, and only the supported file types can be loaded.
π» Exporting JavaScript code from Flowise is still in progress and will be implemented once more Integrations are added.
π‘ You can export and import databases, including flows, messages, credentials, and API keys, to handle 100-1000 requests per second for live apps.
β Increasing the top K size and using metadata can improve the performance of the AI response when retrieving embeddings.
π There are plans to parameterize API endpoints and open them up for integration with other internet APIs.
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