📦 Spring Boot can be deployed on Render, a free hosting platform.
🚀 Render provides simple and easy deployment for Spring Boot applications.
💻 Render offers features like auto-scaling, custom domains, and free SSL certificates.
📺 The video is about deploying a Spring Boot application on Render, a free hosting platform.
🔧 The process involves setting up a Render account, creating a new repository on GitHub, configuring the deployment settings, and pushing the code to the repository.
🌐 After deployment, the application can be accessed through a public URL provided by Render.
🎥 The video is about deploying a Spring Boot application on Render, a free hosting platform.
💻 Render offers an easy-to-use interface and supports various programming languages and frameworks.
🔒 Render provides built-in SSL certificates for secure communication and automatic scaling for high traffic.
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