How to prepare a delicious mosaic jelly
Different flavors of jelly can be used
Instructions on how to prepare the jelly are provided on the packaging
🍮 Using less water than instructed helps achieve a firmer gelatin texture.
🔪 Cutting the gelatin into small squares is easier when using shallow molds.
🥄 Measuring ingredients accurately is crucial for successful gelatin preparation.
🍮 The video is about preparing a mosaic jelly dessert with various flavors.
🌈 The process involves mixing hot and cold water with powdered jelly, pouring it into a tray, and refrigerating it.
🥛 After the other flavored jellies set, a milk-based jelly is prepared using gelatin, vanilla, condensed milk, evaporated milk, and water.
💧 Hydrate the gelatin and let it rest for 10 minutes.
🥛 Combine milk, evaporated milk, condensed milk, and vanilla extract in a saucepan.
🔥 Heat the mixture and add the gelatin.
❄️ Remove from heat and let it cool to room temperature.
⭐ The video explains how to prepare a mosaic gelatin dessert using milk gelatin.
🔪 To create the mosaic effect, lines are made in the gelatin using a knife to create small squares.
🍮 The gelatin squares are then added to individual serving cups, and the amount can be adjusted based on personal preference.
🍮 Ensure that the milk gelatin is not too hot to prevent it from melting the other gelatins.
⏰ You can speed up the cooling process by refrigerating the gelatins for about 20 minutes before filling the cups.
❄️ Once filled, refrigerate the cups for approximately three hours until the gelatins are ready.
✨ Learn how to prepare a delicious gelatin dessert using milk.
🔗 Find links in the description box for instructions on how to make the gelatin on the stove or without heating it.
🍮 Using the given measurements, the recipe yielded 19 individual servings of the gelatin dessert.
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