Mastering the Power of Non-Completable Tasks: Todoist Tutorial and Tips

Learn how to create and use non-completable tasks in Todoist for reminders, tracking activities, organizing projects, and prioritizing tasks.

00:00:00 Learn a cool trick in Todoist called the uncompleted ball or non-completable task. Discover two useful functions for this task, including a story about active March.

The video discusses a trick in Todoist called the non-completable task.

The non-completable task can be useful for two specific functions.

The speaker gives an example of using the non-completable task to remind themselves to walk instead of taking the bus.

00:01:11 In this video, the speaker demonstrates how to create a non-completable task in Todoist by using special symbols and formatting, allowing for reminders and tracking of activities.

📅 Creating a non-completable task in Todoist by using an Asterix or a star sign at the beginning of the task.

📝 Using the double exclamation mark to bold the text of important tasks.

🗑️ Removing the date passing from tasks by clicking on the word.

00:02:23 Learn how to use Todoist to prioritize tasks and easily organize your to-do list across multiple devices.

⚙️ Setting a task with a flag of priority one places it at the top of the to-do list, providing easy visibility across all devices.

🔴 If a task set for today is not completed, it appears in red and is labeled as yesterday. It can be postponed to tomorrow or moved to the current day.

🔄 Tasks can be easily dragged and dropped to reschedule them for a different day.

00:03:32 A tip for reorganizing your working week in Todoist by moving tasks around during daily mini reviews.

📌 Dragging tasks to the next day in Todoist's weekly view.

🗒️ Moving tasks around during the daily mini review to reorganize the working week.

Using stars as reminders and removing them to clear completed tasks.

00:04:41 Learn how to use the non-completable task in Todoist for creative projects and organizing slides for presentations.

📅 Using non-completable tasks in Todoist can be helpful for organizing projects without specific deadlines.

🖍️ Non-completable tasks can also be used as headers in creative projects to categorize and organize tasks.

➡️ Indenting tasks and adding sub-tasks can further structure and organize the non-completable tasks.

00:05:50 Learn how to create a non-completable task in Todoist to prevent accidentally deleting the whole project.

⭐️ Creating a non-completable task in Todoist can help prevent accidentally deleting a whole project.

🔒 Highlighting the task can make it stand out and serve as an embedded header for projects.

🚫 By using a non-completable task, it acts as a safety net to avoid accidental removal of the entire project.

00:07:01 Learn how to use non-completable tasks in Todoist for headers or reminders, such as for exercise. Move tasks and ask questions in the comments.

💡 Non-completable tasks in Todoist can be used as headers or reminders for important tasks like exercise.

🔄 Tasks in Todoist can be moved around.

📝 Questions about Todoist can be asked in the comments for future episodes.

Summary of a video "Working With Todoist Ep 32 | The Non-completable Task" by Carl Pullein on YouTube.

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