:running: The video is about a race in a haunted building where the participants have to escape before the doors close.
:ghost: If two humans manage to escape together, the human team wins, but if a human and a ghost escape together, the ghost team wins.
:elevator: There is a ghost elevator that requires three people to ride, and if there are two ghosts among them, the elevator stops on the fourth floor.
👻 There is a race between humans and ghosts to escape a building, and the winning team depends on who escapes.
😨 The participants are trying to identify the ghost among them while avoiding giving away clues.
🚪 The race involves finding and riding a ghost elevator, and if there are more than two ghosts among the three people in the elevator, it stops at the fourth floor.
👻 There are two ghosts in the video, one of them is Jay Suk.
🔍 The participants find hints that suggest one of them is a ghost, such as being a comedian and a singer.
😂 The ghost turns out to be Seok Ja, who is a comedian.
💡 The video is about a ghost who lies and pretends to be human.
👻 The ghost's lies and clues lead to suspicion among the participants.
📞 A student representative contacts one of the participants with a new clue.
👻 There are ghosts in the Goosebump Ghost House.
🧐 One of the student representatives is also a ghost.
🕵️♂️ There are six ghosts among the group of students.
👻 The Running Man members search for clues to uncover the identities of the ghosts.
🔍 They need to find hints to determine if someone is a human or a ghost.
🚪 They take a ride on the Ghost Elevator to reveal the truth.
👻 The video is about a game where the participants have to determine who the other ghost is.
🔍 The ghost team tries to deceive the human team by making one of them believe that a ghost is actually human.
🎉 In the end, the ghost team wins the game.
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ANTES QUE SEA TARDE. Documental completo (Before the flood) en español