Unbiased Review: Skool VS Community Building Platforms

Skool is an unlimited community building platform with unique features, beating competitors like Facebook groups and Discord. Learn about its interface, user experience, and more.

00:00:00 Discover how School, a community building platform, compares to its competitors in this unbiased review. Learn about its features, interface, and user experience.

🔍 The video is a comparison between a community building platform called School and its competitors.

🏫 The first competitor discussed is Circle, and the video showcases School's simple landing page and features.

💻 The video provides an overview of other competitors such as Mighty Networks, Kajabi, Thinkific, Teachable, FB Groups, Discord, Reddit, Podia, and a mystery platform.

00:01:35 Skool and Circle are community building platforms with similar features, but Skool has a unique auto affiliate program. Mighty Networks promises faster community growth.

💰 Skool offers a pricing of $99/month that includes unlimited courses and members, along with various community tools.

🔁 Circle provides similar features like community creation, organized discussions, and brand ownership, with options for recurring subscriptions and integrations.

🚀 Mighty networks promises faster community growth, has a high rating, and offers a free trial on their robust platform.

00:03:12 A comparison of community building platforms: Mighty focuses on mobile-first design, while School is similar to Teachable. Kajabi offers AI-powered course creation but is more expensive than School.

👥 Skool and Mighty are community building platforms with different features and templates.

💼 Mighty is more expensive than Skool, but offers native live streaming, chat, messaging, and events.

💰 Kajabi is an AI-powered platform for setting up online courses, but it is more expensive than Skool.

00:04:49 Comparison of Skool, Thinkific, and Teachable as community building platforms for online courses and memberships.

📚 There are several community building platforms available, such as Kajabi, School, Thinkific, and Teachable.

💰 Thinkific is slightly cheaper than School, starting at $49/month for unlimited courses and one community.

🖥️ Teachable is similar to School in terms of features, but its user interface has not been updated in a while.

00:06:27 Skool is an unlimited community building platform that beats Facebook groups and Discord for hosting and selling courses.

🎓 Skool offers unlimited content hosting, unlike other platforms with limits on published types.

👥 Skool surpasses Facebook groups as it allows hosting and selling courses, in addition to community interaction.

💬 Comparing Skool to Discord, the key differences in functionality and features are not mentioned.

00:08:04 Skool VS Community Building Platforms: Comparing the limitations of Discord, Reddit, and Podia for hosting courses and building communities. Why Discord and Reddit are not suitable, while Podia offers website building, community management, and affordable pricing.

📚 Community Discord and Reddit are platforms good for community building, but not suitable for hosting courses.

💻 Podia is a platform that offers website building, course hosting, community management, and email functionality at competitive pricing.

🔍 Discord requires additional platforms or methods to sell courses, while Reddit has strict rules and potential for banning subreddits.

00:09:41 Skool VS Community Building Platforms: Comparison of an all-in-one web design tool and custom web development for building a community. Make informed decisions for starting a course business. Free sign-ups available.

📚 Podia focuses on web design and templating while Skool focuses on the back end and community aspect.

💻 Building a custom app like Skool can be very expensive, costing tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

🏆 Try Skool and other competitor tools for free to determine the best tool for starting a course business.

Summary of a video "Skool VS Community Building Platforms" by Alex Berman on YouTube.

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