🎯 SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based.
⏳ Setting specific goals helps in determining the time required for completion and measuring success.
🔍 Differentiate between goals like staying healthy, losing weight, and losing ten pounds based on their level of specificity.
Measuring goals accurately is essential for success.
Alternative measures can be used if the original measurement is unreliable.
Goals should be designed with clear actions and may be divided into sub-goals for easier implementation.
✅ Setting goals is important for tracking progress and focusing energy.
🎯 Using the Pareto Principle can help prioritize goals with the highest value.
⏰ Setting time-specific goals provides motivation and allows for progress monitoring.
🎯 Setting goals is a continuous process of work, evaluation, and review.
🔄 Goals should be dynamic and flexible, as life is constantly changing.
⏰ Regularly reassess and modify your goals to stay motivated and adaptable.
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