👑 For Rosh Hashanah, there is a special task given by a holy figure to have dominion, remembrance, and sounding of the shofar.
🙏 During the Musaf prayer of Rosh Hashanah, special verses are added to fulfill the words of the holy figure and praise the name of the divine.
🎺 The recitation of verses about dominion and remembrance begins during the Musaf prayer, following the usual prayer recited at the end.
👑 In this video, we learn about the significance of the verses in the Rosh Hashanah prayer.
🌍 The verses emphasize that God's kingdom will be revealed not only to the people of Israel but to all inhabitants of the world.
🙏 Following the verses about God's kingdom, we recite verses related to remembrance, highlighting that God remembers everything in His creation and we pray for His favor.
🎯 The זיכרונות section of the prayers concludes with a blessing for us to remember the sacrifice of Abraham and Isaac.
🔔 After the מלכויות and זיכרונות sections, we mention the importance of the שופר and its significance in the time of the ימי הבית and מעמד הר סיני.
🙏 We pray for the coming of the complete redemption, eagerly anticipating to hear the שופר of redemption on ראש השנה.
👑 Understanding the meaning of the verses: memories, kingdoms, and shofars.
🗓️ Preparing for the important day of Rosh Hashanah.
🙏 Recognizing the divine presence and the significance of God as the king of the world.
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