This video tutorial is about building a 3D game in Unity
The tutorial covers creating objects and platforms, changing colors, and adding enemies
The video also explains how to set waypoints and control the enemy's speed
🎮 This video is about building a 3D game in Unity.
💻 The video covers creating scripts for object movement and player life and death logic.
🔧 The tutorial also demonstrates how to select enemies, use attack functions, and develop enemy AI.
🎮 The video is about building a 3D game in Unity and focuses on creating player movement.
⚙️ The script explains how to control player movement using Unity components and scripts.
🔄 The process involves disabling and enabling certain components to control the player's interaction with the game.
🎮 The video is about building a 3D game in Unity and focuses on accessing Unity methods and features.
📝 The transcript discusses the use of namespaces and how they allow us to organize and access code in Unity scripts.
🔧 The video also covers handling enemy behavior, such as implementing collision detection and creating enemy AI.
⭐️ The video is about building a 3D game in Unity.
🎮 The script focuses on player movement and interaction with game objects.
🔄 The tutorial covers creating and manipulating game object hierarchies.
🎮 Learn to build a 3D game in Unity and understand game objects and colliders.
💡 Drag and drop objects, set waypoints, and create walking animations for game characters.
🌟 Explore lighting settings and generate realistic lighting effects for the game.
📚 This video tutorial focuses on creating walking enemies in a 3D game using Unity.
🎮 The tutorial covers implementing waypoints, player input, and enemy AI behavior.
🤖 It also demonstrates the usage of scripts, game objects, and the Unity editor.
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