🧠 Functional MRI (fMRI) measures brain activity through blood flow, but there is a lag between neuronal activity and blood flow.
📸 The MRI machine takes scans a couple of seconds apart, which may not provide enough detail for events happening within milliseconds.
👁️ fMRI is suitable for studying vision because the neural events involved in understanding a new scene occur within a fraction of a second.
🧠 Functional MRI (fMRI) has limitations in resolving fast brain activity in the order of tens of milliseconds.
⏱️ To overcome this limitation, other methods like behavioral studies and scalp electrodes can be used to gather precise timing information.
🧲 Combining fMRI with magnetoencephalography (MEG), which detects magnetic fields, allows for simultaneous measurement of electrical and magnetic activity in the brain with good timing information.
🧠 fMRI Brain Scanning can provide detailed information about brain activity.
⏱️ There are limitations in combining spatial and temporal resolution in fMRI scanning.
🤔 fMRI Brain Scanning requires some guesswork when trying to combine spatial and temporal information.
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