💡 Learn how to create a card flip animation in Spark AR Studio.
🎨 Use pre-made PNGs or your own graphics for the animation.
🔧 Import the necessary assets and set the compression to none.
🎥 The video tutorial is about creating a card flip animation using Spark AR Studio.
🎨 To create the animation, a front and back material are created with corresponding textures.
✨ Two plane objects are added to the scene, one representing the front of the card and the other representing the back.
Scaling the card to the desired size using simple calculations.
Creating the backplane for the card and overlaying it with the front plane.
Rotating one of the planes by 180 degrees on the y-axis to simulate a physical card.
To create a card flip animation in Spark AR Studio, set the rotation of the front plane to 180 degrees.
Create a null object and drag both the front and back planes into it to easily scale and rotate both planes.
Automate the animation process to flip the card using rotation and scaling.
🔄 The tutorial demonstrates how to create a card flip animation in Spark AR Studio.
🔁 Two types of animations are shown: a loop animation and an animation triggered by tapping the screen.
⬅️➡️ By connecting the rotation properties of the card to the animation patches, the card can be flipped and reset to its original position.
The video demonstrates how to create a card flip animation using Spark AR Studio.
The tutorial explains how to set the Y-axis and duration for the card flip animation.
The video also shows how to program interaction for tapping the screen to flip the card.
💡 By connecting various patches in Spark AR Studio, we can create a card flip animation that is triggered by tapping on the screen.
🔄 The animation can be reversed if tapped during the animation.
🎞️ The card flip effect adds interactivity to filters in Spark AR and enhances the overall user experience.
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