🔑 The video discusses the importance of the theoretical framework in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research approaches.
✅ In quantitative research, a well-structured theoretical framework is essential for establishing hypotheses, selecting samples, and collecting and analyzing data.
📚 A thorough literature review and the development of a specific theoretical perspective are necessary for any research, regardless of the approach or type of research problem.
The theoretical framework is crucial in the research process.
It guides the entire research process, from problem formulation to data analysis.
The theoretical framework is used to compare and validate research results.
🔍 Comparing and evaluating results against existing knowledge.
📚 Importance of reviewing past literature to understand the present and shape the future.
💡 Utilizing theoretical framework to guide further research and contribute to scientific advancement.
⭐️ Understanding the difference between quantitative and qualitative research is crucial in conducting a study.
🔍 The theoretical framework guides the entire study, both in quantitative and qualitative research.
🎯 In qualitative research, the theoretical framework helps to explore and understand the phenomenon or problem of interest.
📚 The theoretical framework is important in both qualitative and quantitative research to identify where the results fit in the existing knowledge and compare them to previous research.
🔍 In mixed-method research, the theoretical framework should include relevant references, both qualitative and mixed, to guide the research process and compare observations in the field.
✨ The theoretical framework is crucial for integrating quantitative and qualitative information in mixed-method research.
📊 The analysis of quantitative and qualitative data should be integrated and contrasted holistically in order to derive a theoretical framework.
🔍 The theoretical framework serves as a reference guide for research, helping to refine the measurement of variables, choose indicators, and determine research questions and methods.
🌍 Theoretical frameworks provide continuity to knowledge in various disciplines and prevent studies from being isolated.
📚 The theoretical framework is crucial in engineering studies and research.
🔍 A thorough literature review is necessary to understand and address research problems.
🔬 Theoretical perspectives and frameworks guide research and provide a foundation for investigation.
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