Being in the culture wars causes high levels of stress and cortisol.
Evolutionary misfires can lead to maladaptive behaviors.
Happiness is not a general mechanism but a result of pursuing domain-specific computational mechanisms.
Evolutionary lens used to understand criminality and psychology of decision making.
Happiness defined as long-term existential contentment, not short-term joy.
50% of individual differences in happiness comes from genes, but personal choices can still influence happiness.
Difficult experiences can be used as a reference point for gratitude and perspective.
Choosing the right life partner and job are crucial for happiness.
Assorting on foundational values in a relationship increases the likelihood of long-term success.
🔑 Shared belief systems, humor, and culture increase the chances of leading a happy life.
💑 Compatibility in foundational mechanisms contributes to life satisfaction, beyond religious views.
👃 People are attracted to partners with different major histocompatibility complex (MHC) profiles, which can be detected through smell.
🔑 Having a long-term partner can increase longevity and happiness.
💑 The quality of relationships is a greater predictor of well-being than cholesterol levels.
📚 Regret can be used as a forward-looking tool to make better decisions.
📚 Regret can be a powerful motivator for making changes and pursuing new opportunities.
💡 Authenticity and staying true to oneself can help minimize feelings of regret and lead to a more fulfilling life.
🤔 The concept of maximizing vs satisficing can impact individual happiness, with letting go and contextualizing being important skills for personal well-being.
🎯 Having regrets about missed opportunities, such as not pursuing a talent or moving to a different country, can bring nostalgia and longing.
💔 Discussing the experience of recovering from a ruptured Achilles tendon and the importance of doing the necessary work for a full recovery.
🔍 Challenging the idea that everything happens for a reason and emphasizing the agency in turning a difficult situation into a positive outcome.
💡 Children's validation is more important than professional recognition.
🌍 Being anti-fragile is crucial in dealing with criticism and judgment.
🌟 The greatest individuals experienced failures and obstacles on their path to success.
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