📋 This video is a step-by-step guide on how to set up SuperAGI using Docker Hub.
🐳 To start, activate Docker on your system and create a new folder. Then, go to the Docker Hub URL mentioned in the description and copy the commands to build the docker.
⚙️ For production mode with GitHub authentication, open Visual Studio Code, navigate to the config.eml file, and change the variable from Dev to prod. Additionally, configure an S3 bucket for input or output resources.
🔑 To setup SuperAGI using Docker Hub, you need to fill in the GitHub client ID and secret, register for a new application, and enter the required fields.
💡 After registering, you can generate a new client secret and paste it in the config file in Visual Studio Code. Rebuild the Docker and authenticate with GitHub to run SuperAGI on your local machine.
📚 Follow the step-by-step guide in the video description to find the necessary details and complete the setup process for Docker Hub and SuperAGI.
📺 The video is a step-by-step guide on how to set up SuperAGI using Docker Hub.
🔧 The tutorial provides detailed instructions on the setup process.
💻 SuperAGI can be easily installed and configured using Docker Hub.
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