This video shows how to create a digital garden with Obsidian for free.
Obsidian Publish is a paid tool, but this guide explains how to set up your own digital garden without the fees.
The tutorial covers the steps to create a digital garden using GitHub, GitHub Desktop, Nativify, and Sync Toy.
🌱 Setting up a digital garden using Obsidian for free requires downloading a template from a webpage and creating a repository on GitHub.
💻 To set up the digital garden, download the GitHub Desktop app and clone the online repository to your local machine.
📥 Once the GitHub repository is cloned, the digital garden will be accessible on the local machine for further customization and editing.
📂 Setting up a digital garden requires creating a GitHub repository and a folder structure.
🌐 Netlify is a free platform used to launch a static site for the digital garden.
🚀 To deploy the site, connect the GitHub account, import the project, and start the deployment process.
💻 Setting up a digital garden using Obsidian is free and only takes a few minutes.
🔗 The digital garden includes features such as a graph, wiki links, and backlinks for easy navigation.
🌐 It is possible to use a custom domain for the digital garden by configuring it in the site settings.
🌱 Setting up a digital garden involves copying Obsidian nodes to a designated folder on your local machine.
📂 The nodes are then pasted in a specific folder on GitHub to create an online repository.
🚀 By pushing the changes to the GitHub repository, the digital garden becomes accessible on Netlify.
🌱 Setting up a digital garden with Obsidian
🔍 Viewing the changes made to the digital garden
🔗 Adding navigation to the digital garden
📚 Setting up a digital garden using Obsidian involves editing the file in the local repository and changing the homepage.
🖊️ Obsidian and Sublime Text are tools that can be used to edit the file.
🌐 Pushing the changes to GitHub and using the Netlify app will rebuild the site and make the digital garden online.
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