Working With Todoist | Ep 49 | Postponing Tasks

Learn how to postpone tasks in Todoist and avoid scheduling conflicts. Manage overdue and recurring tasks effectively without affecting karma points.

00:00:00 In this episode, learn how to postpone tasks in Todoist and understand how the scheduling feature works.

In this episode, we learn how to postpone tasks in Todoist.

Todoist provides a scheduling feature to easily reschedule tasks to a different day.

The ability to postpone tasks can be customized based on the specific task.

00:01:06 Learn how to postpone tasks in Todoist and understand how it works with both non-repeating and repeating tasks.

⏰ Postponing non-repeating tasks in Todoist allows you to move them to a specific day, like tomorrow or next week.

πŸ—“οΈ When dealing with repeating tasks in Todoist, you can only postpone them to the next occurrence, not a specific date.

πŸ” Repeating tasks in Todoist follow a set schedule, such as daily or weekly, making it convenient for managing routines.

00:02:12 Learn how to use the task postponing function in Todoist without affecting your karma points.

πŸ“… Postponing a task to the next day does not affect karma points in Todoist.

πŸ”„ Postponing a repeating task to the next occurrence maintains the schedule.

⏩ Postponing a non-daily task to the next occurrence updates the due date.

00:03:19 Learn how to use the postponed button in Todoist to reschedule tasks. Avoid scheduling conflicts by postponing tasks to a later date.

πŸ“… Using the postponed button in Todoist allows you to delay tasks to a specified date.

πŸ”„ The postponed button can be used to postpone tasks to the next week or day.

πŸ—“οΈ Postponing tasks is particularly useful for adjusting schedules based on holidays or personal plans.

00:04:26 Tips for postponing tasks in Todoist and managing overdue tasks effectively without needing to adjust dates.

πŸ“… Postponing a task moves it to another day, but it requires manually adjusting the date picker.

⏰ It is recommended to let tasks become overdue if you plan to complete them the next day, as it serves as a reminder.

⬆️ Overdue tasks appear above tasks scheduled for today, providing a visual representation of tasks that are behind.

00:05:34 Learn how to effectively postpone tasks in Todoist, including recurring tasks, to ensure they appear in your list on the desired day.

πŸ“… Postponing a single task in Todoist will make it appear in the list for the next day.

⚠️ When dealing with tasks that repeat on specific days, be cautious when postponing. It can be confusing, so always double-check the selected date in Todoist.

🎯 For users concerned about karma points, using the postpone feature instead of completing and rewriting a task is a helpful option.

00:06:41 Learn how to postpone tasks in Todoist and make the most of your productivity. Subscribe for more weekly videos on Todoist tips and tricks.

βœ… Postponing tasks in Todoist doesn't count as task completion.

πŸ‘ Understanding the concept of postponing tasks in Todoist can be very useful.

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Summary of a video "Working With Todoist | Ep 49 | Postponing Tasks" by Carl Pullein on YouTube.

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