🌊 Coastal currents bring up rich nutrients, creating a bloom of plankton.
🐟 Millions of sardines migrate along the coast, feasting on the plankton.
🌍 The sardine migration rivals the wildebeest migration in terms of sheer biomass.
🐟 The sardines are traveling north, attracting a multitude of predators.
🐦 Thousands of Cape gannets are following the sardines, coordinating their breeding for their chicks to join the pursuit.
🦈 Bronze Whaler sharks have joined the caravan, leaving visible tracks through the sardine shoals.
Episodio #1887 Aumentando La Testosterona Naturalmente
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Câmara dos Deputados aprova mudanças no Carf | Jornal da Band
Ojalá | Cita Cultural | Alberto Alejandro Garrido, escritor | 03-10-17 | Canal 4RD
Conselheiro do CARF explica a reforma tributária que deve ser discutida neste semestre