🔍 Quantitative and qualitative research approaches emerged in the 20th century.
🔬 Both approaches employ systematic and empirical processes to generate knowledge.
📊📚 Quantitative research focuses on specific and delimited investigations with predetermined hypotheses.
📊 Quantitative research involves objective measurement and follows a predictable and structured pattern.
📝 Quantitative methods are used to measure quantifiable values such as frequencies, percentages, and magnitudes.
🔎 Quantitative research aims to provide representative information about a population or community.
🔍 Quantitative research aims to explain and predict investigated phenomena by analyzing and measuring data.
⚖️ Quantitative research focuses on constructing and demonstrating theories through the study of relationships between independent and dependent variables.
❌ Disadvantages of quantitative research include ignoring the study context and natural environment, as well as the lack of discussion on the meaning things have for different individuals.
🔍 The qualitative approach is used to refine research questions and develop consistent theories.
📊 Qualitative research does not involve hypothesis testing or statistical analysis.
🌍 Qualitative research aims to reconstruct reality based on the perspectives of social actors.
🔍 Quantitative research focuses on using statistical methods to analyze data and draw conclusions.
📊 Qualitative research explores experiences, opinions, and narratives to gain a deeper understanding of a smaller sample.
🔬 Qualitative research employs techniques such as unstructured observation, open-ended interviews, and document review.
🔍 Qualitative research is useful in the early stages of a study, allowing for a more natural development and providing detailed and rich information.
🌍 Qualitative research examines the context and social meaning, particularly beneficial for the social sciences.
⏳ Disadvantages of qualitative research include the researcher's subjective bias and the time-consuming nature of the method.
🔍 Quantitative and qualitative research are valuable approaches to studying a research phenomenon.
📊 Quantitative research allows for generalization and provides control over phenomena through measurement and magnitude.
🔬 Quantitative research is commonly used in fields such as physics, chemistry, and biology.
🌍 Qualitative research provides depth, interpretive richness, contextualization, and unique experiences.
🌱 Qualitative research is employed in disciplines like anthropology, ethnography, and social sciences.
💡 Both approaches are valuable in all fields of study.
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