The appropriate size for article images is 1280 × 720.
Using this size can increase visibility on Google suggestions and search image results.
The minimum width for large images is 1280 pixels.
✅ The recommended size for article images is 1280 × 720 pixels.
🔍 High-quality and compressed images are essential for attracting visitors from Google search.
💡 Images should accurately represent the content of the article and include a description.
📸 The recommended resolution for article images is 1280x720.
👍 Ensure that the visuals are relevant and complement the written content.
🖼️ Place images close to the appropriate text and avoid including important text within images.
🔑 Avoid overusing excessive keywords in images.
📷 Choosing the appropriate size for article images is crucial.
💡 Include the target keyword in the alternative text and title.
🖼️ Images should have a theme, shape, or external frame that distinguishes them.
✅ The optimal size for article images to appear in Google suggestions.
📝 Editing old images in articles is not recommended, focus on creating new ones.
💡 Being straightforward about high acceptance chances in Google AdSense leads to negative comments.
The video discusses the importance of meeting the proper dimensions for article images to improve visibility on Google suggestions.
The speaker emphasizes that facing rejection is a normal part of the process and encourages viewers not to give up.
The video highlights the importance of having consistent and successful criteria to attract visitors to one's website.
📷 The appropriate size for article images to appear in Google suggestions is important.
🎥 Successful and unsuccessful personal experiments with article image sizes are shared on the channel.
✅ No problem if you prefer to work with your own image sizes.
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