Top Programming Languages to Learn in 2023

Discover the top programming languages to learn in 2023, including Swift, C, C++, JavaScript, Python, and Java.

00:00:00 Discover the top five programming languages to learn in 2023, including Swift for Apple development.

Computer programming started in 1883 and many programming languages have emerged since then.

There are five top programming languages to learn in 2023.

Swift is recommended for Apple development as it is more efficient than Objective C.

00:01:06 Discover the top programming languages to learn in 2023, including Swift, C, and C++. Swift developers earn high salaries in India and the US, while C and C++ are versatile languages used in web development and gaming.

💡 Swift is a programming language used for developing software and applications for Apple devices and is highly paid in India and America.

💡 C and C++ are the foundational languages of programming, with C being the mother of all programming languages. They have contributed to the development of new languages, compilers, and operating systems.

💡 C++ is an advanced version of C and is used for web development, games, and more. Companies like Microsoft and Netflix utilize C++ in their projects.

00:02:10 Discover the top 3 programming languages to learn in 2023! JavaScript, Python, and Java have the highest number of users worldwide and are used by major companies like Netflix and Google.

💰 The average salary of C and C++ developers in India is 10 lakhs per annum and in the USA it is one hundred and twenty thousand dollars per annum.

💡 JavaScript is a versatile and powerful programming language with the highest number of communities and active users worldwide. It is used extensively for web development by companies like Netflix, Google, PayPal, and more. 65% of programmers around the world use JavaScript.

💵 The salary of a JavaScript developer in India is one million six hundred thousand per annum and in the USA it is one hundred and thirty five thousand dollars per annum.

00:03:14 Java is the leading programming language with a large community, extensive support, and wide usage in various software frameworks. Python, known for its simplicity and concise syntax, is also highly regarded.

💡 Java is a widely used programming language with a large community and support.

💰 Java developers earn high salaries in both India and the USA.

🐍 Python is considered one of the best programming languages due to its simplicity and credibility.

00:04:19 Discover the top programming languages of 2023, including Python. Python programmers earn high salaries in India and the USA. Start your programming journey with Simply learn.

💡 Python is a popular programming language used by major companies, and programmers earn high salaries.

📚 Simplilearn offers courses for various programming languages, including the ones discussed in the video.

👍 Viewers are encouraged to share their favorite programming language in the comments and subscribe to Simply learn.

00:05:23 This video discusses the top programming languages to learn in 2023.

📚 There are five programming languages that are worth learning in 2023.

Python is a highly recommended language to learn due to its versatility and popularity.

💼 Java, C++, and JavaScript are also important languages to learn for various purposes.

Summary of a video "5 Best Programming Language to Learn 2023 | Which Programming Language to Learn in 2023 |Simplilearn" by Simplilearn on YouTube.

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