⭐️ Patients with panic disorders often engage in avoidant behavior due to the fear of future panic attacks.
🔑 Reid Wilson, an anxiety expert, uses a paradoxical intervention to help Renee overcome her agoraphobia.
🌟 By demanding that anxiety increases its symptoms, Renee is able to make progress in her treatment.
🔑 The video discusses a paradoxical intervention for panic disorder.
🔑 The intervention involves changing one's relationship with anxiety in the moment.
🔑 The goal is to help individuals achieve a sense of normalcy in their lives.
A summer day in Paris: Berthe Morisot's Hunting Butterflies
2 Cara Instalasi Anaconda dan Pengenalan Google Colab
Garnier, Paris Opera
Mark Andrejevic, Automating Surveillance: Post-Representational and Post-Subjective Governance
Degas, The Dance Class
3 Cara Instalasi Anaconda dan Pengenalan Google Colab