The Divinity of Jesus Affirmed by His Contemporaries

Jesus is affirmed as divine by his contemporaries, as seen through the attributes and names ascribed to him in the Bible.

00:00:01 Jesus is affirmed as divine by his contemporaries, as seen through the attributes and names ascribed to him in the Bible. The testimony of Apostle John reinforces this belief.

📚 The Bible affirms that Jesus is God through divine attributes and names.

🔍 Contemporaries of Jesus recognized him as more than just a man.

📖 The apostle John personally attested to Jesus being the true God and eternal life based on his experience with Jesus.

00:05:05 Contemporary testimonies affirm the divinity of Christ. The impact of Jesus on John still remains, as seen in the use of the perfect tense. John wants to share this experience in order to bring joy and communion with God.

📜 The testimony of John is based on his personal experiences with Jesus, emphasizing that he saw, heard, contemplated, and touched Jesus.

John wrote the letter after around 40 years since Jesus' death and resurrection, indicating that he had taken considerable time to reflect on his experiences.

💡 John uses the perfect tense in Greek to convey that the impact of Jesus' presence still remains in him, highlighting the lasting impression Jesus made on him.

00:10:11 The true divinity of Jesus affirmed by his contemporaries. Jesus is a reliable and unchanging God who existed and lived on earth.

Jesus is affirmed as the true Son of God, not a myth or invention of the church.

The term 'true God' refers to the unchanging and reliable nature of Jesus.

🙌 Juan, as a witness who lived with Jesus, testifies to his existence and unwavering character.

00:15:12 The divinity of Christ affirmed by his contemporaries. Testimonies from John and Peter emphasize the reality of their experiences with Jesus.

💡 The apostles continued in their faith because they believed Jesus was the true God.

🔎 The apostle Peter emphasizes that his testimony about Jesus is not based on myths, but on personal experience and witnessing Jesus' majesty.

🌟 Peter recounts the transfiguration as a powerful experience where they heard the voice of God confirming Jesus as His beloved son.

00:20:16 Contemporaries of Christ affirmed his divinity. Peter witnessed his majesty and glory during the transfiguration. Peter, the servant and apostle of Christ, acknowledged him as God and Savior. Other testimonies in Luke 1:68-79 also confirm Christ's divinity.

🏔️ Peter, James, and John were the only disciples present at the Mount of Transfiguration, where they witnessed a supernatural event.

👑 Peter describes what he saw as a majestic and glorious experience.

The Transfiguration was a moment when Jesus revealed his divine glory, surpassing normal human experience.

🔑 Peter concluded that Jesus is God based on his personal experience and witnessing the glorious transformation.

💡 There are multiple testimonies affirming that Jesus is God, including those of Peter and John.

00:25:19 This video discusses the divinity of Christ affirmed by his contemporaries. It explores testimonies from Zacarias, the disciples, and people who witnessed Jesus performing miracles.

👶🏻 Zacarias refers to his son, Juan, as a prophet of the highest and someone who will prepare the way for the Lord.

🗣️ Contemporaries of Jesus were amazed by his miracles and teachings, questioning the nature of his authority.

🔮 These testimonies affirm the divinity of Jesus and highlight the impact he had on the people around him.

00:30:21 Contemporaries of Jesus were amazed by his wisdom and miracles, recognizing that he was more than just a man. They witnessed his ability to heal the sick and make the deaf hear and the mute speak, affirming his divinity.

👀 People were amazed by Jesus' power and miracles, recognizing that there was something greater about him.

🤔 His contemporaries questioned where Jesus obtained his wisdom and ability to perform miracles, considering that he had a normal human upbringing.

🙌 Those who knew Jesus personally testified to his extraordinary abilities and acknowledged that he surpassed all other humans.

Summary of a video "Divinidad de Cristo afirmada por sus contemporáneos -Serie: Cristología, Javier Martínez. Lección 9" by Seminario Reformado Latinoamericano on YouTube.

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