Build a Real-World App with Langchain & OpenAI Functions

Learn to build a real-world app with Langchain, OpenAI, SQL and vector databases, fast API, and Docker. Create a local database, vector store, and chatbot interface. Use Langchain and OpenAI Functions to interact with databases and build business logic.

00:00:00 Learn how to build a real-world application with Langchain, OpenAI, SQL databases, vector databases, fast API, and Docker in this intermediate project-based course.

This video is a project-based language course that covers building a real-world application with Langchain and OpenAI.

The project involves creating a REST API for a chatbot using SQL and vector databases, Docker, and FastAPI.

The video provides a walkthrough of the project architecture and explains how to install the required dependencies.

00:05:33 Learn how to create a real-world app using Langchain & OpenAI Functions. Explore creating a local database, vector store, and a chatbot interface.

πŸ” Creating a lightweight and local SQL database using SQLite.

πŸ“Š Loading and processing text data to create vectors for semantic search.

πŸ’¬ Setting up an interface for a chatbot using prompt templates.

00:11:06 Build functions to interact with SQL and Vector databases using OpenAI's LLM and Langchain. Includes getting pizza info, creating orders and reviews, and querying the Vector database.

πŸ“š The video discusses the use of Langchain and OpenAI Functions to build a real-world app.

πŸ”§ The Functions in OpenAI's latest version can interact with databases, making it easy to query and manipulate data.

πŸ• The video demonstrates the creation of functions to get information about pizzas, create orders, and write reviews using SQL and Vector databases.

00:16:39 Build a real-world app using Langchain and OpenAI Functions. Learn about Retriever, Quarks, and creating functions. Use Python to pass function definitions to OpenAI.

πŸ“š The video explains how to use the Retriever and Langchain functions in Python to build a real-world application.

πŸ”‘ The API functions are stored in a dictionary and accessed using keys, allowing for easy retrieval of the correct function.

πŸ• The video demonstrates how to create a dictionary of pizza objects and initialize them in a database.

00:22:12 A guide on using Langchain & OpenAI Functions. Pass in query and functions to llm, extract message, call function if needed, send response. Business logic with OpenAI.

πŸ“š The video explains how to use the Langchain and OpenAI Functions to build a real-world app.

πŸ’‘ By passing the message and query to the Langchain Language Model (LLM) along with the function definitions, the LLM can determine whether to call a function or suggest a function call.

βš™οΈ If a function call is needed, the LLM provides the function name and arguments, which are then used to call the appropriate function and return the result.

00:27:44 Learn how to build a real-world app using Langchain & OpenAI Functions, including creating API endpoints, connecting to a database, and running the app in Docker.

πŸ“š Creating models and fast API endpoints in the app.

πŸ”Œ Setting up lifecycle hooks for database connections and database removal.

πŸ’¬ Creating the conversation endpoint for user queries and generating responses.

πŸ“ Additional endpoints for retrieving reviews and orders.

🐳 Running the app in Docker and creating a Docker image.

00:33:16 Learn how to build a real-world app using Langchain and OpenAI Functions in this comprehensive course.

βœ… The video demonstrates the creation of a real-world application using Langchain and OpenAI.

πŸ’¬ The application allows users to have conversations with a bot and perform actions such as creating reviews and placing orders.

πŸ” The application successfully retrieves and displays information from a Vector store and interacts with a database.

Summary of a video "The ONLY Langchain & OpenAI Functions course u need - build a real world App!" by Coding Crash Courses on YouTube.

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