Guide for Teens: No Money, Phone? Here's How to Succeed

A four-step plan for teens with no money and a phone: cut out unnecessary relationships, avoid junk food, surround yourself with positive influences, and learn high income skills.

00:00:00 A four-step plan for teenagers with no money and a phone: 1) Cut out unnecessary relationships, 2) Avoid junk food with multiple ingredients.

📚 Cut out all unnecessary distractions and prioritize your goals.

🍔 Avoid consuming unhealthy and processed foods.

🤑 Focus on building long-term wealth and success.

00:02:04 Learn the importance of avoiding certain ingredients in your diet, opting for spring water over tap water, and surrounding yourself with positive influences for a better life.

Avoid processed foods and opt for single-ingredient items like meats, eggs, raw milk, and fruits.

Tap water lacks minerals and contains harmful substances like fluoride, atrazine, and chlorine, which can lead to health issues. Opt for spring water instead.

Surround yourself with positive people who support your goals and ambitions, as they can have a significant impact on your overall wellbeing.

00:04:17 A YouTuber advises teens with no money to stop consuming videos, looking at explicit content, smoking plants, and playing video games excessively, as it hinders personal growth.

📱 Don't use your phone to mindlessly consume videos all day.

🚫 Avoid looking at explicit content and smoking substances.

🎮 Reduce excessive video game playing and focus on real-life achievements.

00:06:25 A guide for teens without money suggests focusing on achievements, avoiding negative influences, and learning high income skills like copywriting.

🎮 Treating life like a video game and understanding that failure is just a part of the journey.

🎵 Being mindful of the type of music consumed and how it can influence mindset and programming.

📚 Learning a high income skill, such as copywriting, and utilizing free online resources to acquire knowledge.

00:08:30 Learn how to create a cash flow page by creating a niche meme page targeting specific cities. Find recent viral content on social media and repost it to grow your following.

Create a meme page on IG or Twitter and target specific cities in the name to attract local audience.

Include the city name in the bio to let the algorithm know that the page is about a specific city.

Find viral recent content on TikTok and repost it to grow faster.

00:10:47 Learn how to make money as a teen using Instagram and Twitter. Find similar pages and engage with their followers to grow your own following. Monetize through promos on Instagram and views on Twitter.

💰 The fastest way to make money on Instagram is through promos.

🔵 On Twitter, if you have a blue badge, commenting on big Pages' accounts can help you gain more followers and get paid based on views.

📖 Selling promos and charging for promos on Instagram can generate income, especially if you have a high reach.

00:12:56 Learn a high income skill while making money as a teen with Instacart. Use your bike to deliver groceries and earn up to $2,000 a week in cities like New York. Convince family members to sign up if you're not old enough.

💼 Hustling involves utilizing free time to learn a high-income skill and doing jobs like Instacart delivery.

🚀 Instacart offers the opportunity to earn $1000 or even $2000 a week through maximizing job opportunities.

🚲 Even without a car, using a bike can still make Instacart delivery a viable option for teenagers.

00:14:59 Learn how to make money with just a phone as a teen. Find jobs nearby and earn money immediately. Become your own boss and gain valuable skills.

Use a mobile app to find and complete jobs near you to make money and learn how to become your own boss.

For teenagers without high-income skills, consider doing jobs like Uber Eats to earn income.

This plan is recommended for teenagers with no money and only a phone.

Summary of a video "If I Was A Teen With $0 and A Phone, I'd Do This..." by Mohammed on YouTube.

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