People are becoming increasingly obsessed with their screens, unlocking their phones 150 times a day.
Technology is intentionally designed to manipulate our thoughts and actions.
The Persuasive Technology Lab at Stanford University studies how websites and apps can manipulate us.
💡 Companies manipulate our thoughts and actions using behavioral economics, psychology, and neuroscience.
🌐 Manipulation on social media includes attempts to manipulate elections, spreading fake news, and widening social gaps.
⏳ The attention hack: Companies use ads, personal data collection, and tricks to make us spend more time on their platforms.
🔑 Social media platforms manipulate users through addictive mechanisms and the promotion of harmful habits.
💰 Free products come at a cost, and users need to be wary of the hidden price they pay.
📸 Social media exploits our obsession with image and self-esteem for manipulation.
💡 Our curated social media feeds create an illusion of perfect lives, leading to disappointment in our own lives.
💬 Social acceptance is now measured by likes and number of followers, causing us to prioritize showing our lives rather than enjoying them.
💔 Dating apps take advantage of people's desire for love, using fake profiles and charging for contact with non-existent people.
📱 There is a growing concern about the manipulative tactics used by social media platforms to retain users and generate revenue.
👶 Even babies are being targeted as a new consumer group through specially designed videos on platforms like YouTube.
👧🧒 The excessive use of screens by young children can have negative effects on their language acquisition, attention span, and socio-emotional development.
📱 Our cell phones are no longer just phones, they are versatile devices that offer a multitude of functions.
😔 Despite the hyper communication enabled by technology, studies show that loneliness is increasing.
⚠️ Companies are using manipulative methods and hacking our attention to keep us engaged with their digital products.
🔑 Understanding how social media companies make money helps us recognize their desired behavior.
🌐 Devices and networks keep us absorbed, distracted, and focused on passive consumption.
🔒 We can reclaim control of our lives and use technology to create and live shared experiences.
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