Building a Portable Phone and Gaming Device with Arduino Pro Micro

Explore the Micro Genius Pocket PC, a versatile Arduino Pro Micro-powered device. Build a portable phone and gaming device that fits in your pocket.

00:00:08 Introducing the Micro Genius Pocket PC, a versatile Arduino Pro Micro-powered device. Explore its components and capabilities for communication and entertainment.

💻 The micro genius pocket PC, powered by an Arduino Pro Micro Compact microcontroller, is a versatile and entertaining device.

📺 The pocket PC features an OLED screen and a Sim 800l Sim module, making it a personal communication hub.

💲 The components used to create the micro genius pocket PC are affordable, with the OLED screen costing under four dollars.

00:01:12 Learn how to build a pocket PC using Arduino Pro Micro and enjoy the convenience of a fully functional phone that can fit right into your pocket. Discover the UI and play mini games on this micro genius pocket PC.

📱 The video showcases the creation of a pocket PC using Arduino Pro Micro.

📞 The pocket PC allows users to make and receive calls effortlessly.

🎮 The pocket PC also features a user interface and allows playing mini games.

00:02:29 A pocket computer that can play games and make calls, created using Arduino Pro Micro and an external battery.

📱 This video is about creating a pocket PC using Arduino Pro Micro.

🎮 The pocket PC can be used to play games and relieve boredom.

📞 It is possible to dial and receive calls using the pocket PC by powering the Sim 800l module externally.

00:03:40 A YouTube video about creating a Pocket PC using Arduino Pro Micro. Stay tuned for updates and thanks for watching.

📱 The video is about creating a Pocket PC using Arduino Pro Micro.

🔧 The creator mentions that they are working on a second version of the Pocket PC.

👍 The creator encourages viewers to comment, like, share, and subscribe to their channel for updates.

Summary of a video "I Created A Pocket Pc Using Arduino Pro Micro" by nethgame on YouTube.

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