Immersive Virtual Course on Campo Basin - Module 2

Explore the Gulf of San Jorge basin and its geological features. Discuss the significance of subsurface data in understanding the sedimentary column and fault systems. Highlight the potential for oil reserves in the formations.

00:00:03 Discover the immersive virtual course on Campo Basin - Module 2. Explore the Gulf of San Jorge basin, its development, and the geological features of the region.

🔍 The Golfo San Jorge Basin is a geographically developed basin between the provinces of Chubut and Santa Cruz in Argentina, known for its oil reserves.

🗺️ The basin covers an area of 170,000 square kilometers and is divided into five or six morphostructural regions, characterized by extensional and compressional environments.

⛏️ There has been significant oil exploration and drilling in the basin, with approximately 40,000 wells drilled so far.

00:05:19 This video explores the geological knowledge of the San Jorge Gulf Basin and the significance of subsurface data in understanding the sedimentary column. It also discusses the importance of fault systems and the abundance of reservoirs in the basin.

🔍 The geological knowledge of the Golfo San Jorge Basin has been advanced through the combination of surface and subsurface data.

🗺️ The sedimentary column of the Basin is divided into five megasequences, with significant fault activity during the deposition of megasequences 01 and 02.

The Basin has a high number of vertical reservoirs, with up to 50 productive levels, allowing for vertical migration and abundant hydrocarbon reserves.

00:10:37 Distinction of water, hydrocarbon contacts. Oil migration through fault lines to reservoirs. Complexity of the Gulf San Jorge Basin. Megasequences and rock formations. Cretaceous group Chubut as the most important. Geological history and deposition in the basin.

📚 The video discusses the different contact points between water and hydrocarbons and how they contribute to the migration of oil.

🗺️ The video explains the complex structure of the Gulf of San Jorge Basin and how it changes from one region to another, affecting the naming of formations.

The video explores the geological time periods and sequences involved, such as the Neocomian period and the importance of the Chubut group.

00:15:56 This video discusses a volcanic sequence and the development of formations in a specific region. It explores the potential for oil reserves in these formations.

🌋 The video discusses a volcanic sequence dominated by pyroclastic content.

🗻 There is a significant angular unconformity between the Fordian and the Neste sequence.

🔬 The Neste sequence consists of two formations - Pozo Artesanal Aguada Bandera and Pozo Cerro Guadal - which are marine and lacustrine in nature.

00:21:12 Curso virtual inmersivo de Campo - Módulo 2: A study of the lacustrine origin and characteristics of formation 129, its facial variation, and its potential as a reservoir in the Golfo Basin.

The video discusses the characteristics of the d129 formation, which is of lacustrine origin.

The d129 formation has generated and expelled a significant amount of hydrocarbons, making it an effective shale reservoir.

The thickness of the d129 formation varies throughout the basin and it is overlaid by the Castillo formation, which has low primary porosity.

00:26:32 An immersive virtual course on the Campo - Module 2. Exploring the geological formations and petroleum reserves in the Gulf of San Jorge Basin, highlighting its constant hydrocarbon production and success in tertiary recovery methods.

📚 The video discusses the different formations and units of the Golfo San Jorge Basin.

⛰️ The formation of the productive levels in the basin is influenced by fault lines and migration routes.

💡 The Golfo San Jorge Basin is a prolific basin for hydrocarbon exploration and production.

00:31:50 Module 2 of the immersive virtual course on Field is discussed, focusing on the tertiary recovery process and the analysis of reservoir connectivity. The video also explores a large lacustrine basin in China and draws comparisons to the Gulf San Jorge Basin.

📚 The video discusses the concept of tertiary recovery in reservoir production and the importance of detailed studies and connectivity analysis.

🌊 The speaker highlights a lacustrine basin in China that had a vast extension and evolved from fluvial systems to a central lake before breaking and transitioning into the next stage.

🗺️ There is speculation about the Golfo San Jorge Basin transitioning from an overfilled to a drained state, possibly towards the Pacific Ocean.

Summary of a video "Curso virtual inmersivo de Campo - Módulo 2" by G.C.S Argentina on YouTube.

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