⭐️ The speaker helps people communicate better in the global business world by looking at themselves and their own perceptions.
🌍 Working with people from different cultures can be challenging because everyone sees things differently.
🔑 Culture is a system that guides our behavior in an acceptable and familiar way within our social group.
🌍 Cross-cultural communication involves understanding and navigating different perspectives and assumptions.
🌲 Commonly accepted and familiar concepts can vary across cultures, leading to miscommunication and misunderstandings.
📷 People from different cultural backgrounds may use different words to describe the same thing, highlighting the challenge of working across boundaries.
🌍 Cross-cultural communication varies across different countries and cultures.
♾️ Understanding the underlying values and norms of a culture is essential for effective communication.
💼 Cultural values like equality can shape workplace dynamics and create a positive company culture.
🌍 Cross-cultural communication involves understanding and navigating the differences in communication styles and customs between cultures.
❓ Curiosity is a powerful tool in cross-cultural communication, allowing people to ask questions and learn from each other.
💬 Different cultures have different communication styles, with some cultures using more words and others using fewer words to convey the same message.
Cross-cultural communication can be challenging due to language barriers and cultural differences.
Misunderstandings can occur when different nationalities interpret expressions and behaviors differently.
Adapting to cultural norms, such as communication styles and adherence to rules, is essential for effective cross-cultural communication.
🚦 In Norway, traffic rules are strictly followed, and parking violations result in fines.
🗣️ Italians believe that the power of persuasion is essential in life, and they rely on talking to find alternatives to following rules.
📞 The speaker attempted to negotiate with the traffic police in Oslo but was unsuccessful.
🌍 Cross-cultural communication involves understanding and embracing different approaches and perspectives.
🗣️ Effective cross-cultural communication requires adapting to the cultural nuances and expectations of others.
🧩 Creating a global way of thinking involves combining the best aspects of different cultures.
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