🌎 The video discusses the three major pre-Columbian civilizations: the Mayans, the Aztecs, and the Incas.
💡 In 1492, the European culture underwent a radical change with the discovery of America and began establishing relationships with the civilizations that inhabited the continent.
📜 Each of these civilizations, the Mayans, the Aztecs, and the Incas, had their own unique characteristics and eventually declined either through conquest or assimilation.
🌍 The Mayan civilization was active from 2000 BC to 800 AD and engaged in constant warfare.
🔥 The constant wars led to the decline and disintegration of the Mayan civilization.
📅 The Maya developed an advanced circular calendar that is still in use today.
🌎 The Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans were civilizations that placed great importance on religion and had many temples dedicated to their gods.
💒 The Aztecs had a powerful empire with a central city called Tenochtitlán, where the emperor resided, and they imposed tributes on surrounding peoples.
⚔️ When the Spanish arrived, the subjugated peoples allied with them against the Aztecs and other civilizations.
🏛️ The Aztecs were a warrior society with a central power structure.
⚔️ The downfall of the Aztecs was due to a combination of Spanish invaders, internal opposition, and their bloody religious practices.
💼 The Aztecs had a hierarchical social structure and relied on trade, particularly in obsidian.
🌎 The Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas were ancient civilizations in Latin America.
🏔️ The Incas were located in the Andes region, specifically in Ecuador, Bolivia, and Chile.
⚔️ The Incas were conquered by the Spanish conquistadors led by Pizarro.
🌍 The economies of the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans were based on agriculture and they developed terraces on mountains to cultivate food.
🏛️ They were polytheistic societies and built numerous temples throughout their territories.
🔚 The Aztecs and Incas disappeared shortly after the arrival of the Spanish due to various internal conflicts.
The video provides an overview of the evolution and conclusion of the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans throughout history.
The viewers can find exercises related to this topic on the website mentioned in the video.
The video concludes with a farewell and an invitation to join another session in the future.
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