🎯 The podcast introduces the topic of layoffs and job hunting in the tech industry.
💼 Brittany shares her personal experience of being laid off from Amazon and finding a new job at LaSalle Networks.
⚡ She discusses the onboarding process at Amazon and the self-paced nature of the company's culture.
💼 Navigating layoffs and job hunting in the tech industry can be challenging.
📚 Amazon provides great interview preparation resources.
👥 Recruiting for internal roles at Amazon requires actively seeking specific candidates.
💼 Taking advantage of resume help and feedback from coworkers during layoffs.
💸 Understanding severance packages and financial implications.
🔍 Navigating job hunting and accessing resources during the transition period.
✨ Using own HSA for prescriptions and no issues accessing accounts
🔍 LinkedIn as the preferred job board over Indeed, need to stay organized, and personalized messaging to managers
📣 Posting on LinkedIn for job leads, received help from network and contractors
📋 Stay organized and structured in your job search, setting daily goals and tracking applications.
💼 Be honest throughout the job search process, including discussing salary needs and reasons for being laid off.
💡 During interviews, focus on explaining your experience and accomplishments rather than dwelling on the reasons for being laid off.
💼 Navigating layoffs and job hunting in the tech industry
📝 Handling multiple job offers and potential shifts
👔 The importance of being upfront and honest in job negotiations
🔎 Recruiters reviewing applicants' online content and social media
🌐 The current state of remote and hybrid work arrangements
✨ Surviving layoffs and job hunting in the tech industry requires embracing change and being confident in yourself.
🔄 When searching for a new role, be organized, set goals, and understand the situation before applying.
💡 Create a separate job hunting email and set up saved job searches to stay organized.
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