Understanding the Structure and Classification of Research Questions

This video discusses the structure and classification of research questions, emphasizing the importance of precision and clarity in formulating questions and defining the relationship between variables.

00:00:00 This video discusses the structure and classification of research questions. It explains the importance of specifying the context, time, and participants in a research question. It also highlights the need to define the relationship between variables.

The context of a research question should include the where, when, and who.

The time frame of a research question should be specified, whether it is the current moment or a specific year or semester.

The relationship between variables in a research question should be defined, such as the influence of factors on a dependent variable.

00:03:10 The video discusses the structure and classification of research questions, focusing on the relationship between variables and the importance of precision and clarity in formulating questions. It also emphasizes the need for unanswered questions and defines the units of observation.

📚 The structure of a research question includes specifying the time frame and the relationship between variables.

🔎 A research question should focus on the 'what' of the investigation and should be precise, unambiguous, and answerable.

🔬 The units of observation in a research question can vary and should be carefully identified.

00:06:19 The structure and classification of research questions, and the importance of measurable variables and ethical considerations in research.

🔑 When conducting research, it is important to have a unique perspective and the ability to measure variables using empirical evidence.

🧪 Variables can be measured using physical tools in engineering or surveys/questionnaires for social topics.

⚖️ Ethical considerations are crucial when formulating research questions to avoid conflicts with nature, humans, and society.

00:09:28 The video discusses the structure and classification of research questions. It mentions the importance of submitting the research question to an ethics committee and following international regulations and protocols. It emphasizes the need for clear and substantial research questions.

📚 It is important to submit the research question to the ethics committee before proceeding with the study.

🔎 Research questions should be clear and easily understandable.

💡 The knowledge obtained from the research should be substantial and useful in a specific field.

00:12:36 This video explains the importance of research question typology, including exploratory and descriptive questions, using examples from biology and education.

🔍 An exploratory research question aims to investigate unstudied and novel topics.

📊 Descriptive research questions aim to provide numerical representation of a population.

📚 Understanding the typology of research questions is important for determining the scope of the investigation.

00:15:49 This video discusses the structure and classification of research questions, including descriptive, correlational, and explanatory types.

🔍 When formulating a research question, it is important to define the standards and parameters, such as those set by the World Health Organization (WHO).

🔄 Correlational research involves comparing variables to determine their relationship, such as the correlation between class attendance and academic performance.

💡 Explanatory research aims to establish a cause-and-effect relationship, providing evidence and certainty, such as the relationship between school stress and average student weight.

00:18:58 This video explains the structure and classification of a research question. It discusses the order of steps in research and how different types of questions are categorized.

🔍 Researchers start with exploratory questions and then progress to descriptive and correlational questions before finally reaching explanatory questions to demonstrate the relationship between variables.

⚖️ The order of research can be flexible, allowing researchers to join at any point in the process if they are interested in a similar observation or want to add a new variable to an existing study.

💡 It is important to understand the classification of research questions to determine the type they belong to.

Summary of a video "Estructura y clasificación de la pregunta de investigación" by Haciendo Ciencia: Guía para Jóvenes Investigadores on YouTube.

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