Managing Frustration in a School Game

Exploring frustration tolerance in a school game. Techniques for managing frustration are discussed.

00:00:00 A video about tolerance to frustration in a primary school classroom where two students, Maria and Omar, play a game of snakes and ladders.

📚 The video discusses the concept of tolerance to frustration.

🎲 The story revolves around two students, Maria and Omar, playing a game of snakes and ladders.

⏱️ Maria is patient and accepts her luck, while Omar is competitive and struggles with losing.

00:01:03 A video about frustration tolerance in a game where two players compete to roll higher numbers. One player loses and gets angry.

🎲 The video discusses the concept of frustration tolerance in a game scenario.

😡 The main character, Omar, gets frustrated when he consistently rolls low numbers in the game.

🤗 Mariah tries to console Omar and encourages him to be patient and enjoy the game.

00:02:07 A video about teaching children tolerance for frustration through a game where a mariachi player learns to handle losing gracefully.

The importance of learning to deal with frustration.

The story of Omar and Maria, where Omar gets upset after losing a game.

The teacher's role in teaching the students about winning and losing.

00:03:12 This video explores the concept of frustration and its effects on emotions and behavior. Techniques for managing frustration, such as deep breathing and counting, are discussed.

😡 Frustration occurs when one cannot achieve or obtain something desired, leading to sadness or anger.

💆‍♂️ Frustration can cause us to act poorly or engage in negative behaviors.

🌬️ Deep breathing and thoughtful reflection can help manage frustration.

Summary of a video "Tolerancia A La Frustración." by Edukids: Creciendo Juntos on YouTube.

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