📚 French nouns have gender, with masculine nouns and feminine nouns, derived from Latin.
🔠 The gender of a French noun can often be determined by its ending, such as nouns ending in 'e' typically being feminine.
🗣️ Other romance languages also have gendered nouns based on their Latin origins.
✅ Most nouns ending in letters other than 'e' are masculine, such as 'le croissant' and 'le mec'.
❌ There are exceptions, like 'le fromage', which is masculine despite ending in 'e'.
❗️ Some nouns, like 'voix', are feminine even though they don't end in 'e'.
🔍 The video discusses how to determine whether a noun in French is masculine or feminine based on its endings.
🧑🏫 Masculine nouns in French can have endings like '-age', '-ment', '-eau', and '-oir', while feminine nouns can have endings like '-tion/sion', '-té', and '-euse'.
💡 It's important to remember the gender of nouns in French.
🤔 The gender of a noun in French can affect other parts of a sentence, such as adjectives.
👕🪑 Masculine nouns in French do not change, while feminine nouns often have an additional 'e' at the end.
🗣️💬 If you have any further questions, leave a comment and I'll do my best to answer.
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