🪱 A worm is a type of invertebrate animal that includes earthworms, roundworms, and flatworms.
🔍 The anatomy of an earthworm consists of ringed segments called annuli, which are covered in tiny hairs called setae that help the worm move.
🌱 The worm's muscles extend and contract, using the setae as anchors, to move its body forward.
🔍 The worm's platelum secretes a cocoon for its eggs and helps with orientation.
🐛 The worm's anatomy is divided into anterior (head) and posterior (rear) ends, with a dorsal (back) and ventral (stomach) side.
🔪 The dissection process involves making an incision behind the clatalum and peeling away the flaps called septum to reveal the segments of the worm.
🔪 Cutting the worm reveals the cuticle, an outer protective layer.
🧠 The worm has a small brain with two lobes located near the head.
💡 The pharynx, located at the beginning of the digestive system, functions as a suction pump.
🐛 Worms have both male and female reproductive organs, with seminal vesicles producing sperm and seminal receptacles receiving sperm.
💓 Earthworms have five arch-shaped hearts called aortic arches that pump blood throughout their body.
🌬️ Worms breathe through their skin as they do not have lungs.
🌬️ Worms must stay moist in order to breathe, as air dissolves on the mucus of their skin.
💉 The aortic arches pump oxygenated blood throughout the worm's body.
🌽 The crop stores food until it can be moved to the gizzard, which has a thicker muscle lining to grind up the food.
🔄 The intestine absorbs nutrients from the food, and waste is expelled through the anus.
🪱 Earthworms are beneficial for plant growth as their droppings contain nitrogen and other nutrients.
💡 The intestine absorbs nutrients from food and distributes them through the worm's body via blood vessels.
🧠 The worm's ventral nerve cord, connected to the brain, acts as its spinal cord, allowing it to move and respond to stimuli.
🩸 The dorsal blood vessel carries blood to the front of the earthworm's body.
🧠 The ventral nerve cord and ventral blood vessel carry blood to the back of the earthworm's body.
💩 Cutting open the intestine reveals digested soil in the earthworm.
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