🔥 Burn-out is a state of physical, mental, or emotional exhaustion.
👨⚕️ The term 'burn-out' was coined by psychologist Herbert Freudenberger in the 1970s to describe the effects of extreme stress in helping professions.
🏢 Burn-out is defined as a psychological syndrome resulting from chronic interpersonal work stressors.
💡 Burnout is a syndrome resulting from chronic work-related stress that is not successfully managed.
💡 Burnout is characterized by feelings of energy exhaustion, mental distance from work, and reduced professional effectiveness.
💡 It is a systemic problem caused by a mismatch between individuals and their jobs, rather than a personal failing.
⚠️ Burnout is caused by mismatches in six areas: work pressure, control, reward, community, justice, and values.
🔑 Significant mismatches in areas of personal importance can lead to burnout.
🧠 ADHD and other mental health conditions, including PTSS, are more prone to burnout.
🛡️ Prevention measures by employers are currently inadequate.
🔄 Addressing mismatches can improve engagement and protect against burnout.
⌛ The damage of burnout can be long-lasting even after the stressor is gone.
🔥 Burnout is not caused by weakness, but by a mismatch between a person and their work.
💼 It is important to have open conversations about burnout with employers, employees, patients, and partners.
⚖️ For individuals experiencing burnout, it is crucial to address the mismatch with their workplace rather than relying solely on taking a vacation.
🔑 Burnout is a condition that requires collaborative effort to address.
💪 Discussing and addressing burnout early can lead to easier recovery, but chronic burnout may take months or years to recover from.
👥 Both employers and employees share the goal of enabling employees to work well and contribute, which is hindered by burnout.
💡 Burnout is a state of physical and mental exhaustion caused by chronic stress.
🔥 Signs of burnout include fatigue, reduced performance, and feelings of cynicism or detachment.
🛠️ Preventing burnout involves setting boundaries, practicing self-care, and seeking support.
🔥 Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress.
🧠 Common signs and symptoms of burnout include chronic fatigue, cynicism, and reduced productivity and effectiveness.
🔥 Burnout can be prevented and managed through self-care, setting boundaries, and seeking support.
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