Social Insurance Authority announces increase and new grant for retirees, reveals amount on air

Social Insurance Authority announces increase and new grant for pensioners, reveals amount on air

00:00:00 The head of the Social Insurance Authority announces an increase and a new grant for pensioners, revealing its value on air.

The head of the Social Insurance Authority announces an increase and a new grant for pensioners.

💰 The increase is valued at 300 Egyptian pounds and will be paid from October's pension onward.

📅 The actual payment will start in November, and pensioners will receive both the 300 pounds for October and November.

00:01:15 Head of Social Insurance Authority announces increase and new grant for pensioners, reveals amount on air.

💰 There is currently a grant of 300 EGP for pensioners, which will increase to 600 EGP.

📈 According to the law, pension increases are supposed to occur once a year in July.

🌍 Due to the global economic challenges, the grant will be disbursed in April instead of July.

00:02:32 Head of the Social Insurance Authority announces increase and new grant for pensioners, revealing their values on air.

💰 There will be a 300-pound increase in pensions starting from October.

📅 The increase in pensions will be implemented once the new law is approved in November.

🔍 The minimum pension amount is linked to the individual's duration of participation in the system.

00:03:45 Head of Social Insurance Authority announces increase and new grant for pensioners, revealing its value on-air.

💰 The minimum pension will be increased to benefit individuals with low contributions or low salaries.

🔁 It is important for people to understand the calculations and contributions involved in the pension system.

🌍 There are different pension systems in place globally, and it is crucial to inform people about these variations.

00:04:56 The Chairman of the Social Insurance Authority announces an increase and a new grant for retirees and reveals its value on air.

📈 There is a significant shortage in social insurance in Egypt, which could be due to the authority's negligence and individual irresponsibility.

💰 People who are not enrolled in the insurance system for at least three months are not eligible for pension in case of death or disability.

⚕️ Families of deceased individuals should receive a pension and support, including a phone, to help with their financial needs.

00:06:07 Social insurance head announces increase and new grant for retirees, revealing its value on air.

📈 There is a proposal to increase the minimum wage for pensions to 4000 pounds.

💰 Currently, the pension minimum is 115 pounds with an additional 300-pound grant.

🔝 If the proposal is approved, the pension minimum will be raised to 1300 pounds.

00:07:20 Chairman of the Social Insurance Authority announces increase and new grant for pensioners, revealing their values live on air.

📢 The head of the Social Insurance Authority announces an increase and a new grant for retirees.

💰 The minimum pension amount will be adjusted to align with current wages, ensuring fairness for all.

🔒 There will be extended subscription periods for those who have not previously enrolled in the insurance system.

Summary of a video "رئيس هيئة التأمينات الاجتماعية يعلن زيادة ومنحة جديدة لأصحاب المعاشات ويكشف قيمتها عالهواء" by AlHadath Alyoum - الحدث اليوم on YouTube.

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