đș Germany's far-right party, the AFD, is nominating candidates for European elections to strengthen ties with far-right parties in other countries.
đ Far-right parties are on the rise in Europe, with the AFD being the second strongest party nationwide.
â The reasons for the success of far-right parties in Europe vary among different countries.
đ Far-right parties have been on the rise in Europe, both in the short-term and long-term.
đ There are various factors contributing to the rise of far-right parties, including cultural shifts and political contestation.
đ The shift towards cultural questions, such as identity, immigration, and Islam, has played a significant role in the rise of the far right.
đ Far-right parties are on the rise in Europe.
đ Center-right and center-left parties are adopting far-right ideas and policies.
đ€ The influence of the far-right extends beyond electoral success.
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