The 'Rule' That Helped Me Succeed in a Competitive Exam

Learn how focusing on small tasks can lead to big achievements in studying and beyond. Discover the 'rule' that helped me pass the ESFCEX exam!

00:00:00 Lívia shares her experience of being approved in a national competition and offers a rule that helped her succeed.

🏆 The speaker shares their experience of being approved for a federal competition with limited vacancies.

📚 They introduce a rule that helped them succeed and encourage the audience to pay attention for the full message.

⚠️ The speaker emphasizes the importance of avoiding misunderstandings by staying in context.

00:01:05 Studying for even 10 minutes is better than not studying at all. Utilize the '10-minute rule' to study during intervals between tasks or commitments.

📚 Studying for even just 10 minutes between tasks or commitments can make a difference.

Studying a little is better than not studying at all.

⌛️ Making excuses for not studying because of limited time is not productive.

00:02:12 Learn the importance of doing small tasks in a limited time frame and the benefits of always having study materials on hand.

📚 Doing a little bit of studying is better than doing nothing at all.

👝 Always carry study materials with you, even if it's just a few printed pages.

📖 Utilize any available time to read and gather information.

00:03:16 Discover the 'rule' that helped me pass the ESFCEX exam! Learn about three types of curricula and how it can be beneficial for answering questions.

📚 Understanding the different types of curriculum: formal, real, and hidden.

⏱️ The importance of quickly grasping and retaining information for exam success.

The need to study topics from scratch, like pedagogy, for comprehensive understanding.

00:04:22 Learn how focusing on small tasks can lead to big achievements in studying and beyond.

📚 The key idea is to focus on completing small tasks consistently rather than worrying about the overall goal.

Time management is important, but it's more about making progress even with small amounts of time.

💪 The speaker emphasizes the importance of taking action and not making excuses.

00:05:27 The speaker shares her experience and advice on how to be successful in a competitive exam while balancing work, family, and other commitments.

📚 Balancing work, studying, and personal responsibilities is challenging, but taking it seriously can lead to success.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Many people who are studying also have family and work commitments.

🎯 Taking a serious approach and not underestimating the workload can result in achieving desired goals.

Summary of a video "A "REGRA" que me ajudou a ser aprovada na ESFCEX!" by Professora Lívia Biscotto on YouTube.

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