🎵 The music video is titled 'L.O.V.E' by 허영지.
🌍 The video features various destinations.
💖 The title of the video is '[M/V] 허영지 - L.O.V.E.'
🎵 The video contains music and the lyrics mention the word 'love'.
❤️ The video is titled 'L.O.V.E' by 허영지.
🎵 The song has a catchy tune and upbeat rhythm.
🙌 The video features energetic choreography and visual effects.
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بربع كيلو دقيق وبيضة واحدة هتعملي ٦٥ بسكوتة من بسكوت النواعم 😋بتاع زمان هش ودايب ومقرمش 👍