Etsy Product Research for Beginners - Step by Step

Learn effective Etsy product research for beginners, including analyzing cart quantities and sales history. Discover popular items and use Everbe to track purchases.

00:00:00 Learn how to do effective Etsy product research to find in-demand products and increase sales on the platform.

🔍 Doing Etsy product research is crucial for finding products with high demand and sales.

💡 Using the auto-suggest feature on Etsy's search field helps identify popular keywords and search terms.

🎃 Narrowing down the search by adding specific keywords like 'Halloween' can uncover potential niche markets.

00:01:37 Learn how to effectively research Etsy products to identify high-demand items using factors like popularity and cart quantity. Discover a bonus hack to evaluate sales potential.

🔍 Etsy uses data to provide the best search results for buyers and sellers.

❤️ The 'Most Loved' feature on Etsy indicates products with high demand.

🛒 The number of items in a buyer's cart can indicate the popularity and potential sales of a product.

00:03:16 Learn how to perform Etsy product research for beginners step by step, including analyzing cart quantities and sales history to gauge demand.

🔍 Analyzing the number of items in the cart can indicate popularity and demand for a design on Etsy.

🛍 By adding a popular design to the cart, it is possible to view the number of sales in the past 24 hours.

📅 Tracking the number of sales over time can provide insights into long-term demand for a product.

00:04:55 Learn how to use Etsy product research tool Everbeat to analyze sales, revenue, favorites, and views of popular products.

🔎 Using the tool called everbeat for Etsy product research.

📊 Sorting and analyzing products based on sales data and metrics.

💰 Finding highly sold products with high revenue potential.

00:06:36 Learn how to use Everbe to analyze Etsy listings for product research. Discover popular keywords, sales data, and pricing strategies. Useful for beginners.

💡 Using the Everbe tool, we can analyze keywords and tags used by successful Etsy listings to improve our own listings and find product ideas.

💰 By analyzing a three-year-old Etsy listing, we found that it has achieved 1995 total sales, an estimated monthly revenue of $764.57, and 57 monthly sales, indicating its success.

👕 While the shirt itself sells well, it's the design that drives its popularity. We can also analyze multiple listings using product analytics to gather more insights.

00:08:16 Learn how to do Etsy product research for beginners step by step. Discover popular items and analyze their selling potential. Use Everbe to track purchases.

🔍 If you don't see 'most loved' when doing a search on Etsy, it may indicate that the product is not popular or the search is too broad.

🛒 When researching a product on Etsy, focus on the organic search results rather than ads, and pay attention to the number of items in the cart and recent purchases.

💡 Using Everbe can provide valuable insights into the popularity and sales performance of a product on Etsy.

00:09:55 Learn how to analyze Etsy product listings using Everbee to determine their sales history, age, favorites, and views. Essential for successful Etsy sellers!

🔍 Etsy product research is important for success on the platform.

💰 Analyzing the history of a listing can provide insights into its sales and popularity.

📈 Getting traffic to your Etsy listing is crucial for generating sales.

Summary of a video "How To Do Etsy Product Research for Beginners - Step by Step" by Brand Creators on YouTube.

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