Unveiling Ancient Wisdom: Exploring the Origins of Our Galaxy and the Influence of Ancient Gods

Explore the origins of our galaxy and the role of ancient gods in human history. Uncover the influence of ancient texts and cosmology on the rise of monotheism.

00:00:00 Billy Carson discusses the Enuma Elish tablets and their significance in Babylonian mythology. He explores the origins of our galaxy and the role of ancient gods in human history.

📜 The Enuma Elish is a real ancient Babylonian creation myth recorded on seven tablets.

🗿 The tablets were discovered in Iraq and contain cuneiform text, showcasing advanced technology.

🌍 The myth centers around the supremacy of Marduk, a brutal ruler of ancient Egypt, and the creation of humankind.

00:06:19 Explore the translations of ancient tablets by credible sources such as EA Spicer and Leonard William King. The tablets are located in the British Museum and provide a time capsule of information about the ancient world.

📚 The video mentions the credibility of the translators, including EA Spicer and Leonard William King, who were highly respected scholars in the field of archaeology and ancient studies.

🔍 The physical tablets are located in the British Museum in London and can be viewed through the museum's website. Writing on clay tablets allowed the ancient civilizations to preserve information for thousands of years.

💡 The availability of online resources such as the UCLA cdli Library allows anyone to access and decipher the tablets without being an expert in linguistics or cuneiform script.

00:12:37 This video explores ancient texts and cosmology to uncover the origins of our galaxy. It reveals the influence of Sumerian and Assyrian cultures and the role of celestial movements in the rise of monotheism.

📚 The Torah is influenced by Assyrian and Sumerian texts, with characters like Marduk and enki referring to ancient gods.

🌍 The Enuma Elish tells a story of the creation of the solar system, with the belief that planets were sentient beings.

🚀 Scientists now believe that our solar system originated from the Sagittarius dwarf Galaxy, making Earth like a spaceship.

00:18:54 Scientists have discovered that our Milky Way galaxy is consuming the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. This ongoing cannibalism is revealed in a study that maps the full extent of the Sagittarius Galaxy and shows how its debris wraps around and passes through our galaxy. This process of galaxies colliding and forming larger galaxies is common in the universe. The video also discusses the connection between the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy and the origin of our solar system.

Our Milky Way galaxy is consuming its neighbor, the Sagittarius Galaxy, through Galactic cannibalism.

Galaxies collide and form bigger galaxies, and our galaxy is relatively small compared to others.

A new star map shows the exact nexus where the Sagittarius and Milky Way galaxies are joining.

The Sagittarius Galaxy's debris is hidden from view due to intervening stars and obscuring dust.

Rogue planets exist and there are billions of them in the void of space.

Analyzing various ancient texts and religious scriptures helps piece together the history of our cosmos.

00:25:12 Billy Carson discusses the possibility of our solar system having two suns and presents evidence from NASA and ancient accounts. He also explores the Dogon tribe's celestial information and the discovery of a brown dwarf star with habitable planets.

🌟 Our solar system is actually a binary system with two suns.

🌍 Evidence suggests the presence of a rogue planet and its effects on the orbits of other planets.

🌌 Ancient accounts and tribal wisdom point to various origins of extraterrestrial beings and celestial bodies.

00:31:28 Discover the ancient wisdom of Enuma Elish and the origins of our galaxy. Unveiling the multi-racial nature of the Anunnaki beings and their impact on Earth's history.

📚 The video discusses the different races of the Anunnaki beings based on ancient texts and evidence.

⛏️ Anunnaki came to Earth 450,000 years ago to mine for resources, just as humans have missions to mine asteroids now.

🌏 Before the flood, the Anunnaki ruled the planet and forced their own working class, called the egg, to do all the labor.

00:37:45 The video discusses ancient tablets that describe a flood 36,000 years ago and the advanced civilization that existed before it. It also explores the global presence of pyramids and sphinxes, suggesting a higher level of knowledge imparted by an unknown species.

🌊 A flood occurred 36,000 years ago, as mentioned in the Emeral Tablet and supported by evidence from the weathering of the Sphinx.

🧪 Thoth, an Atlantean, played a role in ancient Egypt, teaching humans various knowledge, including writing, reading, and alchemy.

🗺️ Global pyramidal structures and anomalies suggest the involvement of a higher level of knowledge from a species or people spread across the planet.

Summary of a video "Billy Carson – "Unveiling Ancient Wisdom of Enuma Elish & the Origins of Our Galaxy"" by Billy Carson Official on YouTube.

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