Academic Programs at Universidad Central del Ecuador in 2021

Overview of academic offerings at Universidad Central del Ecuador, including faculties and programs in various areas of knowledge.

00:00:00 The video provides an overview of the academic offerings at the Universidad Central del Ecuador, including its history, faculties, and programs in various areas of knowledge.

The Central University of Ecuador is the oldest university in the country and one of the oldest in Latin America.

The university offers 21 faculties and over 60 programs in five areas of knowledge.

Some of the faculties include architecture and arts, health sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and physical-mathematical sciences.

00:01:03 Offering of academic programs at UCE in 2021: Public Administration, Economics and Finance, Statistics, Communication, Language and Literature Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy, History and Social Sciences Pedagogy, Technical Pedagogy of Mechatronics, Language Pedagogy, Experimental Science Pedagogy, Initial and Basic Education, and Law.

🎓 The UCE offers a variety of academic programs including Economics, Finance, Statistics, Communication, Pedagogy, and Law.

Most programs have a duration of nine semesters, with some exceptions like Statistics and Mecatronics.

🏛️ The programs are available in both on-campus and distance learning modes.

00:02:08 Offerings available at UCE in 2021 include sociology, political science, social work, audiology, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing, psychology, and medicine.

🎓 The UCE (Universidad Central del Ecuador) offers a variety of undergraduate programs in social sciences, disability studies, medicine, and psychology.

The duration of most programs is nine semesters, except for medicine which takes twelve semesters to complete.

🏥 Some of the programs offered include prehospital care, radiology, clinical laboratory, obstetrics, and nursing.

00:03:12 The UCE offers a variety of undergraduate programs in fields like physical education, dentistry, agronomy, tourism, biology, chemistry, veterinary medicine, and zootechnics.

🎓 The Facultad de Cultura Física offers a pedagogy program in physical activity and sports that lasts for nine semesters.

🦷 The Facultad de Odontología provides a dentistry program that lasts for ten semesters.

🌿 The Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas offers programs in agronomy and tourism that last ten and nine semesters respectively.

🐦 The Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas provides programs in biology and renewable natural resources that last ten semesters.

🔬 The Facultad de Ciencias Químicas offers programs in chemistry, biochemistry, and pharmacy that last ten semesters.

🐾 The Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia provides programs in veterinary medicine.

00:04:13 Offered courses include veterinary medicine, civil engineering, information systems, industrial design, computing, chemical engineering, geology, mining, petroleum engineering, environmental engineering, and mathematics.

📚 The Universidad Central del Ecuador offers various undergraduate programs, including Veterinary Medicine, Engineering, Geology, Environmental Engineering, and Mathematics.

🎓 The programs have different durations, ranging from 8 to 10 semesters.

📝 Admission to the university is done on a semester basis.

00:05:18 The UCE offers its academic programs through the secretary of higher education, science, technology, and innovation.

🎓 The video discusses the educational opportunities available at UCE in 2021.

👩‍🎓 UCE offers a wide range of academic programs and degrees in various fields.

🏫 The video highlights the role of UCE in providing quality education and promoting scientific innovation.

Summary of a video "Oferta Académica UCE 2021" by Universidad Central del Ecuador on YouTube.

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